AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: AWS Budgets

Best practices to optimize costs after mergers and acquisitions with AWS Organizations

Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) offer organizations the opportunity to scale operations, diversify product lines, and capture new markets. However, they come with a set of challenges, such as the nuances of integrating legacy IT systems, complying with stringent regulations, and maintaining business continuity, etc. Eliminating the redundancy of resources and optimizing processes to bring consistency […]

Provision sandbox accounts with budget limits to reduce costs using AWS Control Tower

Provision sandbox accounts with budget limits to reduce costs using AWS Control Tower

Many Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers struggle to keep cloud costs under control while allowing employees to innovate and develop their AWS skills. We talk to technology leaders every day who rank controlling cloud spend among their top concerns. Those same leaders don’t want to stifle innovation or restrict employee’s ability to learn AWS. Using […]

Using Business Agility to Unlock Business Value while Migrating to AWS

In a recent article by McKinsey, ” Unlocking value: Four lessons in cloud sourcing and consumption”, enterprises estimate that around 30% of their cloud spend is wasted. Furthermore, approximately 80% of enterprises consider managing cloud spend a challenge. Even though over 70% of enterprises cite optimizing cloud spend as a major goal, it remains an […]

Leveraging the Power of AWS to Increase Market Share

Amazon Web Services (AWS) gives you the tools and capabilities to digitally innovate and transform your business. We offer several programs like Digital Innovation, Migration Acceleration Program, and Skills Guild to help you bring business ideas to market faster. This blog describes how customers can leverage AWS to transform their organization, accelerate time-to-market, and realize […]

Fail fast but safely – how Old Mutual is using Developer Sandboxes for real digital innovation

This is a guest post co-authored with Kershnee Ballack and Wilkister Wechuli from Old Mutual Limited Old Mutual Limited (OML) is a pan-African financial services group that offers financial solutions to retail and corporate customers across 14 African countries. Its purpose is to help customers thrive by enabling them to achieve their lifetime financial goals, […]

How Projects Can be Tracked on AWS to Increase Accountability and Reduce Cost

This post was co-authored by Amy McVey and Jarrod Lewis from AER As AWS usage within a business increases over time, it can become difficult to track the AWS resources that have been created (e.g. EC2 instances, S3 buckets) and who is responsible for them. This can lead to unnecessary costs from resources that are […]

Control developer account costs with AWS CloudFormation and AWS Budgets

Often when working with customers, we guide them by using AWS Budgets and related tools in the AWS platform in order to create cost and utilization guardrails. These tools can be used to conduct advanced, automated, and hands-free actions within your AWS environment – even across multiple accounts. This post will walk you through a […]

How to manage cost overruns in your AWS multi-account environment – Part I

How to manage cost overruns in your AWS multi-account environment – Part 1

AWS provides a flexible and secure environment where you can experiment, innovate, and scale more quickly. As you build and deploy your workloads, you need mechanisms to isolate your resources (for example, a resource container). You can use multiple AWS accounts for this purpose. An AWS account provides natural security, access, and billing boundaries for […]

How to manage cost overruns in your AWS multi-account environment – Part II

How to manage cost overruns in your AWS multi-account environment – Part 2

In the first post of this two-part series, we showed you two approaches for preventing cost overruns in a centralized budget management pattern: Applying a restrictive service control policy (SCP) to an organizational unit (OU). Moving the account to another OU with restrictive SCPs. In this post, we share how you can prevent cost overruns […]

Enabling experimentation and innovation in the cloud at SulAmérica Seguros

SulAmérica Seguros is Brazil’s largest independent insurer. The company offers one-stop shopping with a diversified business offering (healthcare; auto insurance; life insurance; pension plans; savings bonds; and asset management). Founded in 1895, SulAmérica is Brazil’s: Third largest insurer in the healthcare and dental market Fifth largest in the auto insurance market Ninth largest in the […]