AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Developer Tools

Figure 3 Flight Controller deployment using CFCTv2

Flight Controller by Contino – A Solution built on AWS Control Tower

Today AWS customers are rapidly adopting the cloud and at a massive scale. To support this demand, customers must build a strong foundation based on AWS well-architected best practices. A well-architected landing zone is a key construct that lets you vend accounts, provision access, setup security guardrails, and build CI/CD pipelines. However, at scale, implicit […]

DevOps automation for backup compliance in AWS using AWS Backup Audit Manager

Backup compliance in AWS includes defining and enforcing backup policies to encrypt your backups, protect them from manual deletion, prevent changes to your backup lifecycle settings, and audit and report on backup activity from a centralized console. AWS Backup Audit Manager, a feature within the AWS Backup service, provides built-in compliance controls for these areas. […]

How to monitor hybrid environments with AWS services

As enterprises start migrating to the cloud, one challenge they will face is framing and implementing a holistic monitoring strategy for the hybrid environment. In our experience, there are three main reasons for this. First and foremost, an enterprise generally has multiple monitoring tools in place, but when the enterprises start moving to the cloud, […]

Root and Nested Organizational Unit Support for Customizations for AWS Control Tower

Customers often use AWS accounts as a boundary to segregate their workloads, environments, business units, compliance requirements, or any type of logical isolation that suits their business. An AWS account serves as a hard boundary by design – each account is its own logical entity with controls, limits, and guardrails. Large customers typically have many […]

Introducing AWS AppConfig Feature Flags In Preview

Update (15 March 2022): AWS AppConfig Feature Flags are now generally available. The information below is still correct, but additional information can be found in the link at the end of this blog post. Modern DevOps practices require development teams to continuously iterate their applications based on customer feedback. These iterations are mostly comprised of […]

Using AWS X-Ray and AWS Application Cost Profiler to track tenant cost of shared AWS Infrastructure

In our last blog post, we introduced AWS Application Cost Profiler (ACP), where we discussed this new service that allows customers, running multi-tenant applications, to receive granular cost breakdowns of shared AWS resources across their tenants. AWS Application Cost Profiler provides customers, especially SaaS ISVs, with a standard mechanism to correlate and report their infrastructure […]

Improve your application availability with AWS observability solutions

Distributed systems are complex due to their high number of interconnected components and susceptibility to failures caused by constant updates. Legacy monolithic applications can be distributed across instances and geographic locations or microservices. These rely on thousands of resources to operate and can be updated frequently, scaled elastically, or invoked on demand. In turn, these […]

Accelerate application development with AWS CloudFormation by preventing stack rollback

Accelerate application development with AWS CloudFormation by preventing stack rollback

AWS CloudFormation helps minimize downtime when you are deploying application and infrastructure resources. By default, it supports a deployment safety approach (that is, one in which it rolls back to the last known good state whenever an error is encountered during the deployment of stack resources). This works well for production systems, but might not […]

Using VPC endpoints for AWS X-Ray

Today, AWS X-Ray announces the general availability of VPC endpoint support, which makes it possible for you to establish a private connection between your VPC and AWS X-Ray. Applications running in your VPC can now communicate with AWS X-Ray to send trace data without going through the public internet. In this post, I will show […]

How Wealthfront utilizes AWS X-Ray to analyze and debug distributed applications

How Wealthfront utilizes AWS X-Ray to analyze and debug distributed applications

This blog post was written by Harichandan Pulagam, a Data Engineer at Wealthfront In this blog post, we describe how Wealthfront used AWS X-Ray to streamline the development and operations of a distributed application. About Wealthfront Wealthfront’s mission is to build a financial system that favors people, not institutions. They strive to provide better experiences […]