AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Thought Leadership

Audit and visualize ephemeral EC2 instances using AWS CloudTrail Lake as a zero-ETL data source in Amazon Athena

Today, we are happy to announce that AWS CloudTrail Lake data is now available for zero-ETL analysis in Amazon Athena. AWS CloudTrail Lake is a managed data lake for capturing, storing, accessing, and analyzing user and API activity on AWS for audit, security, and compliance purposes. CloudTrail Lake allows you to easily aggregate activity logs […]

Disaster Recovery (DR) Failover to the Disconnected Edge

Disaster Recovery (DR) Failover to the Disconnected Edge

Introduction Many enterprises rely on AWS to host the entirety of their infrastructure due to the inherent advantages of cloud computing. However, some enterprises operate mission critical workloads from remote areas at an increased risk to lose external network connectivity. For instance, a research facility located in a remote desert, an oil rig in international […]

Top considerations for Flash sale events

Introduction Flash sale events happen when online stores offer deep discounts, promotions on their products or sell unique inventory for a short period, and product launches. The inventory behind these sales is usually low, high demand and the promotions are valid for only the short sale period. Flash sales often see a steep increase in […]

Unlocking the power: The keys to delivering successful Cloud Migrations

Despite the many benefits of moving to the Cloud, large enterprises frequently struggle to deliver migrations (and the related business transformation) in the planned timeframe. Why?  What are the key factors that ensure a successful migration that becomes an oft-quoted industry benchmark for a Cloud driven transformation; rather than a moribund initiative where a number […]

Self-service Account Provisioning Using AWS Service Management Connector for ServiceNow

Many customers are looking to adopt a multi-account strategy within their AWS environment. This allows customers to isolate their workloads into different environments including test, dev, and production in addition to separating workloads based on regulatory requirements. As customers scale their multi-account environments, one strategy to increase agility is to offer business units their own […]

Designing a successful cloud migration: top five pitfalls and how to avoid a stall

Stalled cloud migrations can undermine cloud adoption’s business value. It is therefore important to watch out for early warning signs and take timely corrective action. This blog post looks at five big pitfalls every cloud migration leader should be aware of. The good news is you can spot these issues early and mitigate them to […]

Automate migrated servers to automatically join an Active Directory domain using AWS Application Migration service and AWS Systems Manager

AWS Application Migration Service (MGN) simplifies and expedites your migration to AWS by automatically converting your source servers from physical, virtual, or cloud infrastructure to run natively on AWS. The post-launch actions feature in MGN allow you to control and automate actions performed after your servers have been launched in AWS. You can use predefined […]

Organizational culture for Cloud Adoption

Maximize Cloud Adoption Benefits with a Well-Architected Organizational Culture

Organizational culture, often described as the “personality” of an organization, determines how people work, interact, and respond to change and challenges. There is strong recognition, supported by evidence, that an organization’s culture is a powerful determinant of transformation success. Culture’s impact is magnified in cloud transformation, where the cloud’s extraordinary capabilities are limited only by […]

Use AWS Systems Manager for VMware Cloud on AWS (VMC) operations management

A hybrid cloud strategy creates management and governance challenges for our customers. These challenges include maintaining consistent cloud security and compliance policies across hybrid VMC and cloud environments, providing a single pane of glass for visualizing and acting on operational data, and providing deployment automation and control of cloud infrastructure across multiple cloud environments. VMware […]

Maximize Cloud Benefits by Modernizing with AWS ModAx

“Lifting and shifting” your on-premises workloads to the cloud is a great option to move to the cloud quickly. Organizations that take this approach are in a good position to take advantage of the benefits of modernization in the cloud. While the initial move to the cloud may provide cost savings and improved scalability, modernizing […]