Networking & Content Delivery

Category: AWS Direct Connect

Introducing Amazon CloudWatch Metrics for AWS Direct Connect virtual interfaces

AWS Direct Connect (DX) recently launched support for virtual interface (VIF) metrics in Amazon CloudWatch. With this new enhancement, CloudWatch can now track metrics at the DX VIF level and provide greater insight into utilization. You can set up alarms based on metrics and trigger actions to remediate problems. I’ve heard from many customers that […]

Network Architecture that shows Direct Connect Gateway attached to private virtual interface, and associated to virtual private gateway in two region.

Setting up AWS Direct Connect gateway to route DX traffic to any AWS Region

Direct Connect Senior Product Managers Madhura Kale and Erik Klavon contributed to this post. AWS Direct Connect (DX) has been a popular method for businesses to connect to AWS services, giving users a secure and reliable connection to an AWS Region. There are more than 100 DX locations available globally across major cities. However, you […]

Amazon CloudFront Announces New Edge Locations in the United Arab Emirates

Amazon CloudFront is excited to formally announce the launch of two new Edge locations in the United Arab Emirates: Dubai and Fujairah. The launch of these two Edge locations helps extend the benefits of AWS services closer to your end viewers. CloudFront’s integration with other AWS services like Amazon S3, EC2, AWS Shield, AWS WAF, […]