Networking & Content Delivery

Category: *Post Types

Capture packets with Amazon VPC Traffic Mirroring and Mountpoint for Amazon S3

Traffic Mirroring is an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) feature you can use to copy network traffic from an elastic network interface of an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance and send it to a target storage service for analysis. You can use it for content inspection, threat monitoring, network performance monitoring, and troubleshooting. Through […]

AWS Verified Access introduces policy assistant to quickly see the impact of new access policies

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Verified Access (AVA) is a secure remote access service that eliminates the need for VPNs. AVA reduces management complexity and improves security with real-time evaluations of requests based on factors such as identity and device posture. With Verified Access, you can define access policies written in Cedar using end user context, […]

Monitor hybrid connectivity with Amazon CloudWatch Network Monitor

Today we announce the availability of Amazon CloudWatch Network Monitor, a feature of CloudWatch that makes it easy to gain visibility of your hybrid network connectivity with AWS. CloudWatch Network monitor currently supports hybrid monitors for networking built with AWS Direct Connect and AWS Site-to-Site VPN. You can find Amazon CloudWatch Network Monitor in the Amazon CloudWatch […]

Managing global AWS Local Zones applications with Amazon Route 53 Geoproximity routing

In an earlier post, we discussed how the hub-and-spoke architecture introduced by Local Zones unlocks more choices than ever for geographies where lower latency access can be introduced. Through workload placement techniques offered by service mesh technology for “east-west traffic”, inter-service communication within a customer’s Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), customers can make sure that microservice […]

Understand your network traffic trends using AWS Transit Gateway Flow Logs

AWS Transit Gateway is a network transit hub that enables you to connect thousands of Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (Amazon VPCs) and your on-premises networks using a single gateway. This simplifies your network connection and puts an end to complex peering relationships. AWS Transit Gateway Flow Logs enables you to export detailed telemetry information, such as source/destination […]

Deploying AWS Load Balancer Controller on Amazon EKS

Customers use AWS Network Load Balancer (NLB), Classic Load Balancer (CLB), or Application Load Balancer (ALB) as load balancers or ingress with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters. AWS Load Balancer Controller is designed to help manage Elastic Load Balancers for a Kubernetes cluster. It satisfies Kubernetes Ingress resources by provisioning ALBs and Kubernetes […]

How to migrate your VPC endpoint service backend targets

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoints – powered by AWS PrivateLink—allow you to securely expose your application to consumers on AWS without using public IP space and without worrying about overlapping private IP space. You also don’t have to worry about creating bidirectional network paths using services like AWS Transit Gateway or Amazon VPC Peering.To […]

Automating large scale deployments with tags for Amazon VPC Lattice

Introduction Since their introduction in 2010, tags have been helping Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers identify, organize, and manage their resources by adding referenceable key/value pairs. In this post, we explore how tags can be used to automate the addition and removal of Amazon VPC Lattice resource associations, and cross account resource shares using Amazon […]

Improving availability with Application Load Balancer automatic target weights

Improving availability with Application Load Balancer automatic target weights

In this blog, we explore Automatic Target Weights (ATW), which can reduce the number of errors users experience when using web applications. ATW provides the ability to detect and mitigate gray failures for targets behind Application Load Balancers (ALB). A gray failure occurs when an ALB target passes active load balancer health checks, making it look healthy, but still returns errors. This scenario could be caused by many things, including application bugs, a dependency failure, intermittent network packet loss, a cold cache on a newly launched target, CPU overload, and more.

Blog title - Cross-account support in Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller

Cross-account support in Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller

This blog post describes how to implement cross-account sharing for Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller (Route 53 ARC), by using AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM). The post walks through setting up a resource share, highlights the benefits of cross-account sharing, and reviews the factors to consider when you set up resource sharing in […]