AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Open Source

Getting started with on AWS Graviton2

AWS Graviton2 processors deliver a major leap in performance and capabilities over first-generation AWS Graviton processors. They power Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M6g, C6g, and R6g instances, and their variants with local disk storage. Graviton2-based EC2 instances provide up to 40% better price/performance over comparable current generation x86-based instances for a wide variety […]

Creating simple AWS Cost and Usage charts with D3 JavaScript library

Web applications interacting with AWS in a number of ways may need to represent and display sets of information in the form of charts, diagrams, or graphs. Common examples of that information includes small amounts of data coming from AWS Costs & Usage Reports or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), either historical or real-time. […]

How to build a scalable BigBlueButton video conference solution on AWS

BigBlueButton is an open source video conference system that supports various audio and video formats and allows the use of integrated video-, screen- and document-sharing functions. BigBlueButton has features for multi-user whiteboards, breakout rooms, public and private chats, polling, moderation, emojis, and raise-hands. In this post, we will explain how AWS customers who are looking […]

Open source tools are scaling and expanding access to education

In recent months, open source technologies have helped universities and colleges around the world scale remote learning at an unprecedented rate. As educators sought online resources and collaboration tools, open source technologies provided a unique opportunity to scale their education in a fast and cost-effective way without compromising flexibility or quality. Additionally, these tools provided […]

Dgraph on AWS: Setting up a horizontally scalable graph database

This article is a guest post from Joaquin Menchaca, an SRE at Dgraph. Dgraph is an open source, distributed graph database, built for production environments, and written entirely in Go. Dgraph is fast, transactional, sharded, and distributed (joins, filters, sorts), consistently replicated with Raft, and provides fault tolerance with synchronous replication and horizontal scalability. The […]

AWS adds observability metrics to the OpenTelemetry C++ library

In this post, three AWS interns—Brandon Kimberly, Ankit Bhargava, and Hudson Humphries—describe their first engineering contributions to the popular open source observability project OpenTelemetry. Recently we made contributions to OpenTelemetry that included the metrics collection and processing functionality for the C++ library. These metrics are collected from instrumented applications and infrastructure. They allow users to […]

Announcing the General Availability of Bottlerocket, an open source Linux distribution built to run containers

As our customers increasingly adopt containers to run their workloads, we saw a need for a Linux distribution designed from the ground up to run containers with a focus on security, operations, and manageability at scale. Customers needed an operating system that would give them the ability to manage thousands of hosts running containers with […]

How TalkingData leverage DJL with PyTorch for Large-Scale Offline Inference

How TalkingData uses AWS open source Deep Java Library with Apache Spark for machine learning inference at scale

This post is contributed by Xiaoyan Zhang, a Data Scientist from TalkingData. TalkingData is a data intelligence service provider that offers data products and services to provide businesses insights on consumer behavior, preferences, and trends. One of TalkingData’s core services is leveraging machine learning and deep learning models to predict consumer behaviors (e.g., likelihood of […]

Managing AWS ParallelCluster SSH users with OpenLDAP

A common request from AWS ParallelCluster users is to have the ability to deploy multiple POSIX user accounts. The wiki on the project GitHub page documents a simple mechanism for achieving this, and a previous blog post, “AWS ParallelCluster with AWS Directory Services Authentication,” documents how to integrate AWS ParallelCluster with AWS Directory Service. However, […]