AWS Startups Blog

AWS Editorial Team

Author: AWS Editorial Team

Amazon Web Services

Reimagining the Bond Marketplace with Amazon Managed Blockchain

The $45 trillion US fixed income bonds outstanding market is a fundamental part of the broader capital markets and underpins economic activity nationwide, but it’s surprisingly inefficient. Access to capital is limited to big players, leaving smaller municipalities to fend for themselves, until now. Alpha Ledger, a new startup out of Washington state, is set to upend the market using an Amazon Managed Blockchain-based platform.

Startup Garage Event where entrepreneurs are mingling and having drinks

How AWS Startup Garage Events Can Kick-start your Startup

The AWS Startup Garage was established in 2019 to create a community of likeminded entrepreneurs and provide startups with guidance and support on business and technology related topics. Garage events range from technical hands on workshops to support with getting started on serverless to advice on raising your first round of funding. Events are designed to provide startups with a direct link to the AWS Startup team of Account Managers, Solution Architects and go-to-market resources, startup specific programs and initiatives.

Datavant De-Identifying Health Data

Scaling Down your Infrastructure Part 2: Databases

In this second installment of the Scaling Down Infrastructure series, we are looking into cost optimization techniques for your databases, on the popular engines we see you using the most, whether it’s in an analytical or transactional style, or if it’s relational, document, key value or time series in nature. 

redBus: Building a Data Platform with AWS & Apache Software Foundation

As future data requirements cannot always be planned much ahead of time, data warehousing effort is generally subdued by first creating a data lake, which is a pool of centralized data ready to be transformed based on use cases. A means for accessing and analyzing this data makes it easier for knowledge workers to make good informed decisions. Here’s how Indian bus ticketing platform Redbus does it.

How Komodo Health Enables Self-serve Analytics with a Multi-tenant Notebook Platform on EKS and EMR 6

​Komodo Health​, has been growing rapidly in our mission to reduce the global burden of disease by building software and data products based on a foundation of health data. Their Healthcare MapTM captures the experiences of more than 320 million Americans (de-identified) as they move through the healthcare system. As they grew, they needed to evolve our infrastructure to reduce costs, scale access, improve engineering productivity, and improve resource efficiency.

FloodMapp Leverages AWS for Real-Time Inundation Flood Mapping to Save Lives and Assets

FloodMapp is a world-first flood modelling solution, purpose-built for flood forecasting and early warning. Aimed at improving safety and preventing damage, FloodMapp provides highly accurate, real-time, property-specific, and dynamic flood inundation and depth insights for businesses exposed to flooding. It is 10,000 faster and 200 higher resolution than traditional models in an emergency response setting. Here’s how it works.

Rethink Debt Collection: How Machine Learning Improves your Receivables Management

No one wants to hear from a debt collection agency. Most people associate it with letters in red, capital characters, high charges with imaginative reasons and intrusive phone calls. Berlin-based fintech PAIR Finance’s mission is to change that with the help of Machine Learning, introducing you and your customers to a completely new debt collection experience.