AWS Storage Blog

Category: AWS Cloud Financial Management

Optimizing cost for your high availability SQL Server deployments on AWS

Many customers run SQL Server workloads on AWS because AWS offers higher performance and reliability, greater security and identity services, more migration support, and flexible licensing options. Customers often select the license included deployment scenario for running SQL Server on AWS to avoid long-term licensing contracts with Microsoft and preserve licensing flexibility for potential future […]


Optimizing operational costs in CloudEndure Disaster Recovery

Some drivers involved in moving disaster recovery (DR) to the AWS Cloud include reducing infrastructure and management costs, and enabling access to greater scalability and elasticity. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery, offered by AWS, helps you shift your disaster recovery (DR) strategy to AWS from data centers, private clouds, or other public clouds. By shifting their DR […]


Lower your Amazon EFS costs by 47% with One Zone storage classes

Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) is a simple, serverless, set-and-forget, elastic file system that provides high levels of durability and availability for your mission critical and business critical applications. For workloads that don’t need the highest levels of durability and availability, customers typically do not require the Multi-AZ (Availability Zone) durability and availability of […]

Online Tech Talk March 18: Reduce cost and gain business value by moving to AWS Storage

Don’t miss our AWS Online Storage Tech Talk on March 18, where an AWS expert covers why many customers are moving their data to AWS and the benefits many of them are seeing using AWS Storage services. This Tech Talk is at 11:00 AM – 12:00 AM PT (2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET). Enterprises […]

Increasing agility and reducing costs with AWS Storage during the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic upended the way of life for countries, organizations, communities, families, and the people that drive the global economy. Most of the world has shifted to remote work and school, and a different way of life with essential workers on the forefront. We see industries dealing with the challenges of slowed growth as […]

Amazon S3

How AppsFlyer reduced its data lake cost with Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering

Many customers use Amazon S3 as the storage foundation of their data lake solution. A data lake is a centralized repository for raw and transformed data for real-time analytics, machine learning, business intelligence, and more. As new data is continuously generated and stored for long periods of time, data lakes on Amazon S3 enable you […]

How Qubole optimizes cost and performance by managing shuffle data

Ad hoc analytics, data exploration, data engineering, and machine learning (ML) workloads are often run at a massive scale and require significant computing power, which can be costly. Amazon EC2 Spot Instances, which enable you to use unused Amazon EC2 computing capacity in the AWS Cloud, offer up to 90% in savings over On-Demand Instances. […]

Online Tech Talk June 24: Cost optimization guidelines for Amazon S3

Don’t miss our AWS Online Storage Tech Talk on June 24, where an AWS expert covers cost optimization guidelines for Amazon S3. This Tech Talk is at 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PT (2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET). Effective cost optimization across Amazon S3 storage classes can require different approaches depending on application latency […]

Achieving high throughput with a low-cost Windows file system

“Wow!” is a common response I hear from customers after testing or migrating their Windows file storage workloads to Amazon FSx for Windows File Server (Amazon FSx). When they say this, they are referring to low-cost Hard Disk Drive (HDD) file systems. Earlier this year we announced the availability of a low-cost storage option – […]

AWS Storage Gateway Featured Image

Bristol Myers Squibb increases performance and cost savings using AWS Storage Gateway

As covered in my previous post on the AWS Storage Blog, Bristol Myers Squibb relies on many AWS storage services to manage its petabyte scale data in various life science workflows. Genomics and clinical data is growing at an exponential pace, and it is important to have reliable, scalable, and secure services handling our data. […]