AWS Storage Blog

Category: Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

Running WordPress on Amazon EKS with Amazon EFS Intelligent-tiering

A large percentage of websites today rely on Content Management Systems (CMS) which provide content creators, who may have little to no experience in web development, with the ability to easily publish their content to a website for distribution to their end users. By far, the most popular CMS platform today is WordPress. More developers […]

Mount Amazon EFS file systems cross-account from Amazon EKS

Many customers use multiple AWS accounts managed by AWS Organizations to create security and cost boundaries around business units, projects, or applications. AWS Organizations helps you centrally manage and govern your environment as you grow and scale your AWS resources. In some cases, an application in one AWS account must access data in another. As […]

Johnson & Johnson reduces analysis time by 35% with their data science platform using Amazon EFS

Johnson & Johnson data science and business experts collaborate to incorporate science into healthcare solutions, including medical device and diagnostic technologies, consumer healthcare products, and pharmaceuticals. Johnson & Johnson needed storage to share and perform analytics on their data science workbench for genomics neuroscience, R&D, and drug discovery. A massively scalable solution was required to […]

VMware Carbon Black cuts workload costs using Amazon EBS gp3 volumes

VMware Carbon Black is a leader in global cybersecurity specializing in endpoint detection, application control, and next-generation antivirus. They currently support over 8,000 customers using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) to orchestrate containers in their microservice architecture and Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) for their Amazon EKS data volumes. Using Amazon EBS gp2 volumes, […]

AWS re:Invent recap: Modernize your applications with Amazon EFS

Development teams are modernizing their applications by adopting containers, serverless, and microservices-based architectures. As containers are transient in nature, long-running applications can benefit from keeping state in durable file storage. At the same time, serverless computing enables you to be more agile while spending less time dealing with the security, scalability, and availability of your […]


Running Kubernetes cluster with Amazon EKS Distro across AWS Snowball Edge

AWS Snowball Edge customers are running applications for edge local data processing, analysis, and machine learning using Amazon EC2 compute instances on Snowball Edge devices in remote or disconnected locations. Customers use Snowball Edge devices in locations including, but not limited to, cruise ships, oil rigs, and factory floors with no or limited network connectivity. […]

Persistent storage for container logging using Fluent Bit and Amazon EFS

UPDATE 9/8/2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. Logging is a powerful debugging mechanism for developers and operations teams when they must troubleshoot issues. Containerized applications write logs to standard output, which is redirected to local ephemeral storage, by default. These logs are lost when the container is terminated […]

Easy-to-use Amazon EFS integrations with AWS Compute services

Every day AWS customers launch Amazon EC2 instances using the Launch Instance Wizard (LIW). When launching instances to host applications like content management systems, data science notebooks, database backups, media workflows, and code repositories, you create and attach shared file systems like Amazon EFS to your instances. In the past, creating and attaching new Amazon […]

Online Tech Talk September 25: Modernize your applications with containers, serverless, and Amazon EFS

Don’t miss our AWS Online Storage Tech Talk on September 25, where an AWS expert covers modernizing your applications with containers, serverless, and Amazon EFS. This Tech Talk is at 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PT (4:00 PM – 5:00 PM ET). Modernizing applications with containers and serverless improves agility, so you can innovate faster, […]

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Deploying Jenkins on Amazon EKS with Amazon EFS

UPDATE (5/17/2021):  It looks like the Jenkins Helm repos have moved and the configurable parameters have been updated as well! You will need to modify the commands listed in the blog accordingly. Check out the new Jenkins helm repos and configurable parameters at the following links: Also, make sure your EKS cluster control […]