AWS Storage Blog

Category: Advanced (300)

Amazon S3 Object Lambda

Managing access to your Amazon S3 objects with a custom authorizer

Data protection is critical for most customers seeking to safeguard information, maintain compliance, secure applications, and more. Protecting data can become challenging when different entities or personas need different levels of access to data. In Amazon S3, access control can be managed with tools like AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies, bucket policies, access […]

Amazon S3 Replication

Ten tips for multi-tenant, multi-Region object replication in Amazon S3

UPDATE (2/10/2022): Amazon S3 Batch Replication launched on 2/8/2022, allowing you to replicate existing S3 objects and synchronize your S3 buckets. See the S3 User Guide for additional details. Independent software vendors (ISV) want to build multi-tenanted applications to benefit from more efficient usage of resources in addition to global reach. These apps require a […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Obtain aggregated daily cross-account multi-Region AWS Backup reporting

UPDATE (2/3/2022): Source code extended to support AWS Backup for Amazon S3. UPDATE (6/24/2022): Source code updated to support tag extraction to support cost allocation reporting. Customers treat data as an asset and look to protect their data assets through data protection mechanisms. Customers value the seamless ability to report and act on data protection […]


Enhanced disaster recovery monitoring with CloudEndure and Amazon CloudWatch

Update (March 4, 2022): Updated Amazon CloudWatch events section to utilize Amazon EventBridge rules instead, allowing you to further customize your serverless event architecture. AWS is also deprecating the requests module in botocore to improve flexibility and performance, and added the ability to use Layers within AWS Lambda to continue using this module. Code has […]

Monitoring and understanding Amazon EBS performance using Amazon CloudWatch

Storage and compute are the main pillars of many different types of applications, making them important to monitor and understand when optimizing or developing an application for peak performance. Amazon EBS is an easy-to-use, scalable, high-performance block-storage service designed for Amazon EC2. EBS is the main type of storage used by applications for high performance transaction-based […]

AWS Transfer Family Featured Image

Enhance data access control with AWS Transfer Family and Amazon S3 Access Points

Sharing data is at the core of collaboration efforts sparking innovation. Many industries rely on secure data access solutions that scale with their business. From pharmaceutical companies exchanging research data with partners in Amazon S3, to financial customers migrating and modernizing transaction data with traditional file transfer protocols, there is a persistent ask for fine-grained […]

Amazon S3

Protect and manage Dell EMC PowerScale data on Amazon S3

Many customers across several industries use Dell EMC PowerScale to store various kinds of files over SMB, NFS, and HDFS protocols. Common workflows include building and analyzing data lakes, content production creation, genomics sequencing, and image rendering. Implementing and maintaining an efficient and secure data backup for Dell EMC PowerScale in the cloud is necessary […]

Amazon S3

Analyze and tier on-premises NAS data to AWS with Komprise

As companies store larger and larger amounts of unstructured data, they may find that their IT is not always capable of keeping up with their pace of data growth. For instance, they may be inefficiently and expensively storing unstructured data by storing both frequently and infrequently accessed data on the same NAS device, at the […]

Amazon S3

Automatically sync files from Amazon WorkDocs to Amazon S3

Today, many customers use Amazon S3 as their primary storage service for various use cases, including data lakes, websites, mobile applications, backup and restore, archive, big data analytics, and more. Versatile, scalable, secure, and highly available worldwide, S3 serves as a cost-effective data storage foundation for countless application architectures. Often, customers want to exchange files and […]

AWS Transfer Family Featured Image

Securing your AWS Transfer Family SFTP and FTPS VPC public endpoints

Customers who use the AWS Transfer Family service are typically exchanging files with their business partners over an internet facing endpoint. In doing so, they need to secure these public endpoints so that they are only accessible to known IP addresses and secured against dictionary attacks and port scanners. We previously walked you through how the AWS […]