AWS Storage Blog

Tag: Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

Using Amazon FSx for Windows File Server with an on-premises Active Directory

Customers looking to move their on-premises file storage to the cloud or join to self-managed directories seek to do so with minimal disruption to their applications and workloads. For some, this means extending their existing Active Directory environment for an easy lift-and-shift without modifying their existing applications and file-level security settings. Amazon FSx for Windows […]

AWS Storage Day 2019

9:00 a.m. PST Welcome to AWS Storage Day! Welcome to the AWS Storage Day live blog! We’ve got a lot of news coming over the next few hours, and we’ll keep you updated here. Keep checking back from time to time for the latest. Start off by listening to Dave Vellante from theCUBE introducing all […]

Explore AWS file storage solutions at re:Invent 2019

UPDATE: The AWS re:Invent links in this post are outdated. Please visit the AWS Events channel on YouTube for a complete on-demand playlist of AWS Storage sessions at AWS re:Invent 2019. In today’s business environment, data is the foundation for innovation and transformation. Using data the right way can literally propel a business to becoming […]

Amazon EFS Featured Image

Online Tech Talk October 23rd: Reduce File Storage TCO with Amazon EFS and Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

Don’t miss our AWS online Storage Tech Talk on October 23rd where we cover: ‘Reduce File Storage TCO with Amazon EFS and Amazon FSx for Windows File Server‘ Managing legacy NAS storage arrays on-premises brings complexity and high CapEx. Amazon EFS is a cloud-native, scalable, elastic NFS file system for Linux workloads for use with […]

Your AWS Storage guide to re:Invent 2019: How to maximize your time in Vegas!

UPDATE: The AWS re:Invent links in this post are outdated. Please visit the AWS Events channel on YouTube for a complete on-demand playlist of AWS Storage sessions at AWS re:Invent 2019. On behalf of the entire AWS Storage team, we are excited to tell you all about our plans for re:Invent. This year’s conference is […]

AWS Loft

Free AWS Loft Events: Attend “AWS Storage Days” in San Francisco or NYC

As we gear up for AWS re:Invent 2019 December 2 – 6, we want to ensure you are up to speed on the full portfolio of AWS storage services. In San Francisco September 10 – 11 and in NYC September 24- 25, we will be conducting ‘AWS Storage Days’ at the AWS Loft locations. These […]

Getting started: Training resources for storage on AWS

With a wide variety of storage and data transfer and migration services, understanding where to start when considering AWS for your data storage can be a time consuming task. Where do you start? What resources are available to help guide you through unfamiliar territory? Where can you go if you need additional help? Whether you’ve […]

New on the APN Blog: Storing and Sharing Files with Amazon FSx in a VMware Cloud on AWS Environment

On the AWS Partner Network (APN) blog there is a very informative new post showing you how to deploy a fully managed, shared Windows file system with Amazon FSx for Windows File Server and mount it to your virtual machines (VMs) by using VMware Cloud on AWS. Amazon FSx for Windows File Server provides a fully managed […]

Monitor performance of Amazon FSx for Windows File Server with Amazon CloudWatch

Last year I co-authored a post with Helen Lin, Sr. Product Manager for Amazon CloudWatch, when we released Metric Math for Amazon CloudWatch. In that post we showed how easy it is to perform math analytics on your metrics to derive additional insights into the health and performance of your Amazon EFS file systems. Well, […]