AWS Storage Blog

Tag: Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)

Amazon S3 Glacier Storage Classes

Best practices for archiving large datasets with AWS

As companies grow, they often find themselves managing an ever-increasing amount of data. Customers often need to retain backups for business continuity or disaster recovery, as well as records for compliance and audits. In addition, some customers may need to retain backups to create a centralized repository of information that is heterogeneous in nature, with […]

Amazon S3

Monitor Amazon S3 activity using S3 server access logs and Pandas in Python

Monitoring and controlling access to data is often essential for security, cost optimization, and compliance. For these reasons, customers want to know what data of theirs is being accessed, when it is being accessed, and who is accessing it. With more data to monitor, large amounts of data can make it more challenging to granularly […]

Amazon S3 Glacier Storage Classes

Collecting, archiving, and retrieving surveillance footage with AWS

Video feeds and still images from judiciary locations are considered critical forms of evidence in the court of law. These locations can be police stations and government offices or even civil locations of importance like banks and hospitals. As governments, particularly in smart cities rely upon video surveillance, it is critical to design a cost […]

Amazon S3

Point-in-time restore for Amazon S3 buckets

Enterprises store increasing quantities of object data for use cases like data lakes, document management systems, and media libraries. Performing point-in-time restores for large datasets can be challenging, as existing approaches with full-restore from backup are time consuming and expensive. Alternatively, restoring individual objects to previous versions is prone to errors and delays the restore […]

S3 Intelligent-Tiering featured image

How CineSend manages their media content using S3 Intelligent-Tiering

Is your organization managing terabytes (or even petabytes) of data stored as objects across hundreds if not thousands of buckets on Amazon S3? What are the chances that the access patterns and application requirements for all of these objects are the same? For most companies out there – slim to none. We operate in a […]

Amazon S3 Storage Lens featured image

Access your Amazon S3 Storage Lens metrics in AWS Partner applications

Managing cloud storage at scale requires the right metrics and tools to maintain visibility into your storage footprint, and uncover opportunities to reduce storage costs or apply data protection best practices. With the launch of S3 Storage Lens in November 2020, customers gained access to the first cloud storage analytics solution offering organization-wide visibility into […]

AWS Transfer Family Featured Image

Enabling user self-service key management with AWS Transfer Family and AWS Lambda

Customers who use the AWS Transfer Family service are typically exchanging files with their business partners who provide them with SSH public keys. In a large-scale deployment of the AWS Transfer Family service, public key management eventually becomes a time-consuming task to refresh expired keys and rotate keys for security. When using custom identity providers (custom IdP), […]

Amazon S3 Object Lambda

Automate the configuration of Amazon S3 Object Lambda to process data as its retrieved

Customers often have multiple applications consuming information from a single dataset stored in Amazon S3, but each application requires different variations to meet their specific needs. For example, one application may require that data be in a redacted CSV format, while another application requires unredacted information. As another example, a stock image website may require […]

How Pinterest uses Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive to manage storage for its visual discovery engine

Pinterest is the visual discovery engine with a mission to bring everyone the inspiration to create a life they love. It’s one of the biggest datasets of ideas ever assembled online, with over 300 billion Pins with ideas around home, food, style, beauty, travel, and more. More than 440 million people around the world use […]

Amazon S3 Lifecycle

Automate S3 Lifecycle rules at scale to transition data to S3 Intelligent-Tiering

The vast majority of data customers store on Amazon S3 has unknown or changing access patterns, such as data lakes, analytics, and new applications. With these use cases, a dataset can become infrequently and even rarely accessed at specific points in time. The problem is that customers don’t know how data access patterns will change […]