AWS Storage Blog

Tag: hybrid cloud

AWS Storage Gateway in 2021 – Year in Review

It has become customary for us to share with our customers the new AWS Storage Gateway enhancements every year. As we did in 2020 and 2019, through this blog I’m reviewing all the new Storage Gateway launches from 2021. I’ll cover how the new enhancements make it easier for customers to access AWS Storage from […]

AWS Storage Gateway Featured Image

AWS Storage Gateway in 2020 – year in review

As 2020 draws to a close, we’ve shared several new launches and use cases with our customers and partners during the recent AWS Storage Day and re:Invent 2020 events. Tens of thousands of customers around the world are using AWS Storage Gateway to bridge between their on-premises applications and AWS Storage. Based on ongoing feedback […]

Deploying AWS Storage Gateway on Linux KVM hypervisor

AWS customers support a variety of on-premises environments and have different deployment needs. Until now, customers using Linux Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) hypervisor have not had a convenient way to implement a hybrid cloud storage solution using AWS Storage Gateway. AWS Storage Gateway provides on-premises applications access to virtually unlimited cloud storage using NFS, SMB, […]

AWS Storage Gateway in 2019

Tens of thousands of customers around the world are using AWS Storage Gateway to connect their on-premises applications with AWS. Over the last 12 months, Storage Gateway launched over 20 new features. These features range from 4x performance improvements to new deployment options, including both hardware appliances and VMware high availability configurations, as well as […]

Automate restore of archived objects through AWS Storage Gateway

UPDATE: This post was updated on 8/4/2021 to include an AWS CloudFormation template for automation and also to modify relevant sections to reflect support for Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive and S3 Intelligent-Tiering Archive Access and Deep Archive Access tiers. AWS Customers who have on-premises file-based applications love having the ability to deploy an AWS Storage […]

AWS Loft

Free AWS Loft Events: Attend “AWS Storage Days” in San Francisco or NYC

As we gear up for AWS re:Invent 2019 December 2 – 6, we want to ensure you are up to speed on the full portfolio of AWS storage services. In San Francisco September 10 – 11 and in NYC September 24- 25, we will be conducting ‘AWS Storage Days’ at the AWS Loft locations. These […]

Online Tech Talk August 21st: ‘Migrating Data to AWS: Understanding Your Options’

Don’t miss our AWS online Storage Tech Talk on August 21st where we cover: ‘Migrating Data to AWS: Understanding Your Options‘ AWS offers a variety of data migration and transfer services to help you move everything from gigabytes to petabytes of data by using network links, express mail, or even a tractor trailer. In this […]

Don’t Miss our May Storage Tech Talks! Featuring Amazon S3 and Hybrid Cloud Storage and Edge Computing

This month we have two storage tech talks for you to attend and dive deep on the newly launched Amazon S3 Batch Operations (read the Jeff Barr blog post) and AWS Hybrid Cloud Storage and Edge Computing (read the storage blog post). Managing tens to billions of objects at scale with S3 Batch Operations – […]

Expanding AWS Hybrid Cloud Capabilities with Block Storage on Snowball Edge

Enterprises have been using AWS as the cloud portion of their hybrid architectures since AWS was born thirteen years ago, and we have built out the broadest and deepest set of hybrid architecture functionality to extend AWS services to on-premises and edge locations. Today, we reached another milestone with the launch of block storage on […]