AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Compute

Driving Continuous Security and Configuration Checks for Amazon EKS with Alcide Advisor

The inherent complexities for running cloud-native applications such as Kubernetes, especially in a multi-cluster environment, are growing. Alcide Advisor creates a snapshot of your cluster’s security and compliance posture with actionable recommendations to ensure no security drifts are detected only in runtime. Alcide Advisor allows DevOps and security teams to discover misplaced secrets or secret access, identify Kubernetes vulnerabilities and perform Amazon EKS cluster checks.

Scheduling Tasks on AWS with IBM Spectrum LSF and IBM Spectrum Symphony

Many high performance computing (HPC) and grid customers with large technical and on-premises computing systems select IBM Spectrum LSF and IBM Spectrum Symphony for policy-driven control and scheduling. This translates into better application performance, better throughput, better utilization, and the ability to respond quickly to business demands. If you’re a Spectrum LSF and Spectrum Symphony customer, you now have flexible options for running on AWS.


How to Improve Customer Performance with an Amazon EC2 Instance Upgrade

When customers who had invested in high availability infrastructure began looking for even faster speed and response times, WP Engine upgraded their Amazon EC2 instances from fourth-generation M4 and C4 instances to the most recent M5 and C5 instances. In doing so, WP Engine replaced thousands of traffic-serving instances, significantly reducing network latency. Learn how WP Engine automated the M5 and C5 instance upgrade process to get the most of the company’s AWS environment.

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Building Self-Healing Infrastructure-as-Code with Dynatrace, AWS Lambda, and AWS Service Catalog

In this post, we demonstrate how using Dynatrace, AWS Lambda, and AWS Service Catalog, customers can build a workflow to initiate the required incident response action to the problems detected by Dynatrace AI, which detects and triggers a problem notification when an end user is impacted with the real user experience, service level agreements (SLAs), or service availability due to the underlying system resources. Dynatrace is an AWS Competency Partner.

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Making Application Failover Seamless by Failing Over Your Private Virtual IP Across Availability Zones

One of the core principles of building highly available applications on AWS is to work with a multi-Availability Zone architecture. In the unlikely event an AZ fails, this allows applications to continue running using resources in the other AZs. Customers use different strategies to handle the routing of user traffic to different components of their applications across AZ, ranging from load balancers and Elastic IPs to Domain Name Resolution. In this post, we present an approach to achieve failover of a private IP address across AZs.

How to Backup and Recover an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with N2WS

Amazon VPCs are an essential part of any cloud-first networking strategy. Subnet and routing table configurations, along with security settings, are at risk from day-to-day operational errors. N2WS offers a backup solution that takes the guesswork and manual labor out of backing up and recovering Amazon VPC configurations, with the ability to automatically restore across AWS Regions and accounts. N2WS is an AWS Storage Competency Partner.


How to Securely Access Amazon Virtual Private Clouds Using Zscaler Private Access

When you are migrating private applications to AWS, how your users and administrators will access them needs to be considered. VPNs do not provide the granular control desired by a Zero Trust approach, as users have access to any resource on the network and not just specific resources they are granted access to. Learn how you can implement a Zero Trust approach to access applications hosted on AWS using Zscaler Private Access (ZPA).

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APN Partners Offer Lambda Layers and Custom Runtimes

At AWS re:Invent 2018, the AWS Lambda team launched Lambda Layers and the Lambda Runtime API. Lambda Layers enables you to centrally manage code and data that is shared across multiple functions. And the Runtime API provides a simple interface to use any programming language, or a specific language version, for developing your functions. APN Partners were integral to making these launches a success, providing both Layers and runtimes that help customers build on serverless.

AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda Custom Runtime for PHP: A Practical Example

The new AWS Lambda runtime API and layers capabilities give us the ability to build a clean, supportable implementation of PHP on Lambda of our own. We’ll take a brief look at the overall workflow and runtime lifecycle, and then show you one way to build a PHP runtime to start powering your PHP applications on AWS Lambda. Not a PHP developer? You can adapt the examples in this guide to build a custom runtime in your language of choice.

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How AWS Customers Are Running Containerized Environments on Amazon EC2 Spot Instances

Amazon EC2 Spot Instances are one of the best ways to dramatically cut EC2 costs on AWS. With the new pricing model, there has never been a better time to start leveraging Spot Instances, and Spotinst’s DevOps Automation Platform helps businesses reduce operational overhead with automation and cut costs by reliably leveraging Spot Instances. In this post, we share a few stories from Spotinst customers outlining how they maximized infrastructure efficiency at minimum cost.