AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Internet of Things


Optimizing Energy Footprint with Edge Analytics and Artificial Intelligence of Things with Bosch Phantom

Energy and asset monitoring is becoming an essential part of business. Organizational strategies include environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria in its framework to decrease energy consumption and, at the same time, boost efficiency. Learn how Bosch is solving this problem with the help of edge analytics, machine learning, and core Internet of Things (IoT) components provided by AWS, and how Bosch Phantom helps to extract information using a non-intrusive approach.

Driving Manufacturing Improvements with Edge2Web Factory Insights and AWS IoT SiteWise

Industrial cloud service platforms like AWS IoT SiteWise, which can be used to acquire and store the data needed to compute critical manufacturing metrics, are accelerating the implementation of overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) applications. Explore the tasks required to stand up an instance of Edge2Web Factory Insights on AWS IoT SiteWise. Edge2Web is an AWS Partner and SaaS company whose products are available via AWS Marketplace.


A Global Manufacturer’s Digital Transformation from On-Premises IoT to the AWS Cloud

When manufacturing clients migrate from on-premises solutions to cloud platforms as part of their digital transformation, the journey often starts with an application lift-and-shift. Learn how Innova Solutions’ industry-based domain expertise helps clients envision, build, and run their businesses more efficiently. See how a leading global fastener manufacturer transitioned from on-premises to AWS and how it reduced machine downtime and improved operational efficiencies at the global level.


Unlocking the Power of Machine Data with SmartInsights from TensorIoT

TensorIoT recognized the need for solutions that help companies collect and interpret equipment and process data. Learn how SmartInsights from TensorIoT is an AWS-based customizable end-to-end solution that industrial and commercial customers use to rapidly connect and derive actionable insights from operational systems. SmartInsights reduces the level of technical know-how and skill needed to implement a functional solution, and accelerates time to value for manufacturers and other industrial customers.

Digitalize Your Factory Performance on AWS with Metrodata Electronics

In a manufacturing process, reports are critical for tracing problems and improvement. Technologies such as Industrial IoT (IIoT) can help companies improve reporting accuracy and traceability during the manufacturing process. Learn how Metrodata’s solution architecture aims for easy access as a reliable, durable, secure platform so customers no longer need to think about problems that may arise due to limited storage and lack of computing capabilities.


How the AWS Executive Briefing Center Gets Real-Time Inventory and Asset Data with CloudRail and AWS IoT

Monitoring inventory status and counts across various locations is key to inventory management. Internet of Things (IoT) sensors allow organizations to view and maintain the supply levels they need, when and where they need them, and ensure they are stored properly along the way. Learn how the AWS Executive Briefing Center (EBC) in Seattle is using AWS IoT sensor technology, along with integrations from CloudRail, to proactively monitor meeting room beverage inventory.


Accelerating Disruptive CASE Automotive Technologies with Capgemini’s Trusted Vehicle Solution on AWS

Cloud technologies and digital transformation have revolutionized the automotive industry landscape. Built on the AWS Connected Mobility Solution (CMS), Capgemini’s Trusted Vehicle helps OEMs bridge the gap between isolated systems, accelerate software-defined vehicle development, and create disruptive CASE technologies. Capgemini’s expertise in AWS services, IoT platforms, and automotive industry knowledge enables near real-time vehicle telemetry ingestion and processing in the cloud and at the edge.

Building an Asset Tracking Solution Using LoRaWAN with Semtech LoRa Cloud and AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN

LoRaWAN is a leading protocol utilizing Semtech’s LoRa long-range communications technology for LPWAN in battery-operated, remote monitoring, and control applications. AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN offers a fully-managed LoRaWAN network server and delivers highly scalable, reliable services for a wide variety of use cases. Learn the core elements in an asset tracking application and how AWS and Semtech help lower the barrier for developers looking to deploy solutions.


Developing Data-Driven IoT Business Models for Sustainability with Storm Reply

Firms spend substantial efforts to identify and collect quality data streams from different sources. However, identifying and interpreting energy, water, or gas usage patterns and consumption types is sometimes insufficient. In this post, you’ll learn how Storm Reply, combining industry knowledge with its expertise in the development of data analytics platforms in AWS, can help customers in the design, development, and maintenance of secure serverless IoT big data platforms with a focus on sustainability.


Superior Integrated Systems (SIS) Developed a Data-as-a-Service Platform with AWS and AllCloud

Superior Integrated Systems (SIS), an integrator of custom-built test equipment and data acquisition systems, launched new services during the pandemic to help their customers satisfy specific product test requirements. Learn how AllCloud supported SIS to build a proof of concept, developing the architecture for the desired data-as-a service platform using AWS Control Tower and AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).