AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Amazon ECS


How Wipro’s Cloud Studio Accelerates Application Migration and Modernization on AWS

A successful digital transformation stands on a strong foundation of effective application modernization. Wipro has made sustained investments to ease cloud adoption and cloud excellence journeys for customers, and Wipro Cloud Studio on AWS brings together the discovery, assessment, migration, modernization, and transformation suite of capabilities. It’s a suite of tools and processes presented in an integrated control center user interface, all aimed at accelerating a customer’s cloud adoption journey.


Future Proof Cost Optimization with Attribute-Based Instance Type Selection and Amazon EC2 Spot

As part of its SaaS platform, Druva runs containerized applications with microservices architecture using Auto Scaling groups and Amazon Amazon ECS. Explore the cost optimization journey of Druva using Spot instances with Auto Scaling groups, challenges faced by them during this journey, and how attribute-based instance type selection (ABS) came to the rescue in addressing those challenges in optimizing costs.

Safely Modernizing a Monolith with AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces

AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces is designed to help customers refactor existing applications incrementally, while increasing business agility and time to market and maximizing the business value of AWS. Follow a demonstration of an actual upgrade of a monolithic application with AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces, including setting up the Migration Spaces environment and refactoring two microservices of the monolithic application.


Developing Data-Driven IoT Business Models for Sustainability with Storm Reply

Firms spend substantial efforts to identify and collect quality data streams from different sources. However, identifying and interpreting energy, water, or gas usage patterns and consumption types is sometimes insufficient. In this post, you’ll learn how Storm Reply, combining industry knowledge with its expertise in the development of data analytics platforms in AWS, can help customers in the design, development, and maintenance of secure serverless IoT big data platforms with a focus on sustainability.

Automating Serverless Best Practices with Dashbird’s Serverless Well-Architected Insights

Customers building on AWS can benefit from specific alignment to either their architecture or an industry vertical via lenses which are included within the AWS Well-Architected Tool and include questions applicable to that particular workload. Learn how findings from the Serverless Application Lens can be automated using Dashbird Insights to show misconfigurations and best practice violations in relation to serverless workloads. This post walks through the deployment of an example serverless application that we’ll profile using Dashbird Insights.


Integrating Amazon S3 Malware Scanning into Your Application Workflow with Cloud Storage Security

A wide range of solutions ingest data, store it in Amazon S3 buckets, and share it with downstream users. Often, the ingested data is coming from third-party sources, opening the door to potentially malicious files. This post explores how Antivirus for Amazon S3 by Cloud Storage Security allows you to quickly and easily deploy a multi-engine anti-malware scanning solution to manage file protection and malware findings.

Simplify Refactoring Monoliths to Microservices with AWS and vFunction

For complex and large legacy monoliths, enterprises can quickly run into a wall with rehosting alone. The more lines of code, classes, and interdependencies, the less value you get from lifting and shifting. Learn how AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces and vFunction help in the analysis of monolith applications, set priorities to extract the microservices, deploy the microservices in cloud-native AWS services, and route the user traffic with minimal effort.


Superior Integrated Systems (SIS) Developed a Data-as-a-Service Platform with AWS and AllCloud

Superior Integrated Systems (SIS), an integrator of custom-built test equipment and data acquisition systems, launched new services during the pandemic to help their customers satisfy specific product test requirements. Learn how AllCloud supported SIS to build a proof of concept, developing the architecture for the desired data-as-a service platform using AWS Control Tower and AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).


Parentsmile Launches First Family Care SaaS Platform on AWS with Support from ZERO12

Looking for qualified support for a parent is a hard task and often a leap in the dark. Parentsmile is a unique reservation platform that integrates healthcare, training, educational, and all-encompassing psychophysical well-being services. This post demonstrates how ZERO12 built Parentsmile’s SaaS platform; exploring the main infrastructure with Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) process, and the asynchronous workflow for payments and reminders.


Strengthening Cloud Governance and Optimizing FinOps with LTI Infinity Ensure

As customers continue to accelerate business transformation by moving to the cloud, the need for a more self-reliant and integrated cloud governance framework with enhanced security and compliance, cost management, and reporting and analytics, is on the rise. Learn how Infinity Ensure can help enterprises optimize cloud governance with continuous monitoring and tracking, and get recommendations to keep up with cloud innovations.