AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Amazon S3


Deploying Software AG Adabas and Natural Workloads on AWS

Many organizations have core business and critical workloads running on Adabas and Natural in a mainframe environment. Customers are looking for ways to reduce cost, increase agility, and improve IT workforce productivity. For this purpose, Software AG provides products and services to deploy applications to AWS. Learn how Adabas and Natural applications can be deployed and modernized on AWS, and run in a resilient and scalable way to deliver high service quality and business value.

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AWS Direct Connect Integration with VMware Cloud on AWS

With hybrid implementations, we see a design pattern where customers configure connectivity to allow communication between on-premises and VMware Cloud on AWS networks. Customers use various methods such us a VPN and/or AWS Direct Connect to implement hybrid cloud connectivity. Learn how to leverage Direct Connect to establish hybrid connectivity between on-premises VMware infrastructure and VMware Cloud on AWS.

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How to Integrate VMware Cloud on AWS Datastores with AWS Analytics Services

Running virtual machines with databases or datastores on VMware Cloud on AWS lets you use the same management tools and VMs as on your on-premises VMware vSphere environment. You can easily extend these workloads to the cloud and take advantage of AWS on-demand delivery, global footprint, elasticity, and scalability. Learn how VMware Cloud on AWS brings these datasets closer to AWS Analytics Services, making it easier to use services to draw meaningful insights from business data.


How AWS Partners Can Get Started with AWS Outposts – By Knowing What it’s Not

In speaking with AWS Partners of all sizes and areas of expertise, it’s clear there is a growing need for getting more robust, more powerful AWS technology to the edge, in more clever ways than before. AWS Outposts is a service that allows customers to run a subset of AWS services—on fully managed AWS hardware—located in their own data center, remote office, production plant, or virtually anywhere they want them to be. The art of the possible, as cliché as it can sometimes be, really does start there.


How to Reduce Your Data Storage Costs with Veritas NetBackup on AWS  

Migrating your Veritas protected data, tape backups, and infrastructure to AWS allows for increased flexibility in managing data through its lifecycle. Leveraging this strategy in conjunction with Veritas NetBackup‘s deduplication capabilities allows you to realize cost savings over managing your data on-premises. Veritas on AWS ensures your data is highly available and provides savings over storing data in your data center and/or managing the tape backup archival process.

Top Recommendations for Working with IAM from Our AWS Heroes – Part 3: Permissions Boundaries and Conditions

This is our third blog post celebrating AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)‘s 10th anniversary. Explore two powerful ways that you can limit access to AWS by setting the boundaries and conditionally provide access to resources in IAM policies. Permissions boundaries can be used for situations like granting someone limited permissions management abilities, while conditions enable you to specify when a policy statement is enforced.


Using AWS CloudFormation Modules to Improve Enterprise Security

Dive deep on AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions and how the principle of least privilege can be best achieved when using AWS CloudFormation, and more specifically CloudFormation Modules, to provision resources on AWS. CloudFormation Modules are a way to package resource configurations for inclusion across stack templates, in a transparent, manageable, and repeatable way.

Top Recommendations for IAM from Our AWS Heroes – Part 2: The Visual Editor and Federation

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)‘s 10th anniversary continues with Part 2 of our blog series. Writing an IAM policy can be tricky, but don’t feel overwhelmed. Learn how the IAM visual editor helps you create policies by providing helpful documentation and the correct syntax. You’ll also learn why you should use federation due to the short-term credentials made possible by IAM roles. More tips like these can be found throughout our 4-part blog series.

Leveraging Amazon EC2 F1 Instances for Development and Red Teaming in DARPA’s First-Ever Bug Bounty Program

Learn how DARPA engaged AWS Premier Consulting Partner Effectual to ensure a secure and reliable AWS environment, as well as to develop a serverless web application that allowed click-button FPGA SoC provisioning to red team researchers for the different processor variants. The result was DARPA’s first public bug bounty program, which enabled research teams to improve their hardware defenses by addressing any discovered weaknesses or bugs.


Embrace Data Sovereignty and Low Latency in Building a Trusted Data Lake with AWS Outposts and Talend

Globalization and digitalization require companies to comply with data protection rules in the limitless world of the internet. Meeting this challenge requires maximum data agility and availability along with minimal data latency. Integration with AWS Outposts makes Talend Data Fabric allows you to quickly integrate, clean, and move data from different sources with low-latency, and meet data sovereignty regulatory requirements for hybrid deployments.