AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Services Partners


Best Practices from Crayon for Building an Agile Cloud Center of Excellence with AWS

For Crayon, an AWS Premier Tier Services Partner, the idea of a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) started from its vision and strategy to accelerate cloud adoption for customers—from cloud strategy, migration, and modernization to managed operations. Learn how a CCoE plays a strategic role when it comes to centralizing the knowledge in order to make solutions available in a quick and repeatable way to different departments in the organization.


Top 4 Recommendations for Partners to Achieve Success with the AWS Competency Program

The AWS Competency program validates and promotes AWS Partners with demonstrated technical expertise and proven customer success. Attaining a Competency helps partners market and differentiate their business to customers by showcasing their capabilities in specialized areas. To get there, it’s important AWS Partners have a list of best practices and recommendations. Learn how partners can achieve and make the most out of the AWS Competency program through four key steps.


How T-Systems Enabled AWS Config at Scale for Deutsche Telekom IT’s Landing Zone

Learn how T-Systems has enabled AWS Config at scale on Deutsche Telekom IT’s AWS landing zone, which is a brownfield environment with more than 600 AWS accounts. AWS Config is a governance and compliance service that enables you to assess, audit, and evaluate the configurations of your resources. The main motivator for Deutsche Telekom IT using AWS Config is that developing compliance checks using custom tools was time consuming, unscalable, and came with a large operational overhead.


Modernize Mainframe Workloads to AWS with Astadia Automated Refactoring

Legacy technologies such as COBOL, IDMS, Natural, Adabas, Assembler, IMS, and EGL, as well as their rapidly vanishing expertise, are becoming the number one burden for many mainframe customers. Learn how Astadia can help customers quickly and safely move entire mainframe applications to AWS. Astadia works with clients to modernize their IT investments to accelerate time to value, increase productivity, decrease risk, and optimize costs.


10 Years of Success: AWS and Cloudsoft

This year marks the 10-year anniversary of the AWS Partner Network (APN). To celebrate this important milestone, we’re launching a series of partner transformation stories—“10 Years of Success”—highlighting some of our AWS Partners who have been “all in” and grown with us over the past decade. Up first in our Q&A-style series is Cloudsoft, an AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner that helps businesses securely migrate, run, and evolve applications in the cloud.

Safely Modernizing a Monolith with AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces

AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces is designed to help customers refactor existing applications incrementally, while increasing business agility and time to market and maximizing the business value of AWS. Follow a demonstration of an actual upgrade of a monolithic application with AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces, including setting up the Migration Spaces environment and refactoring two microservices of the monolithic application.

Personalize Your Customers’ Experience with Easy-Access AWS AI Services

AWS artificial intelligence services can serve as a kind of ready-made building block that enable companies of all sizes and sectors to gain experience and create their own AI services, without having to build the fundamental functions from the bottom up. Via the cloud, companies can access AWS AI services and create their own chatbots, image analysis, or personalization tools, for example. To implement and customize these services, companies can draw on the expertise of Trivadis – Part of Accenture.


Apache Iceberg: An Introduction from Rackspace on Running the New Open Table Format on AWS

Data-driven decision making is accelerating and defining the way organizations work. With this transformation, there has been a rapid adoption of data lakes across the industry. Hear from Rackspace, an AWS Premier Tier Services Partner, about the drawbacks of existing data lake architecture, what Apache Iceberg is, and how it overcomes the shortcomings of the current state of data lakes. Then dive deep on the design differences between Apache Hive and Iceberg.


Accelerate Computer-Aided Engineering Workloads with Hybrid Cloud HPC Scenarios

As a long-standing partner of automotive and life science companies, the Atos Science + Computing Unit specializes in providing customers with tailor-made and demand-driven HPC solutions. Learn about two hybrid HPC deployments that are transparently integrated with the traditional workload manager that controls existing on-premises HPC resources, and how they are distinguished by entirely different approaches.

Thriving Amid Business Uncertainty with a Modern ERP Core on AWS

Companies that adopt an intelligent enterprise platform such as SAP S/4HANA can ensure they are prepared with a future-ready core. Learn how intelligent ERP environments like SAP S/4HANA deployed on AWS can offer businesses the operational resilience needed to stay viable amid continuing unpredictability. Leveraging AWS-native cloud services introduces opportunities for agile, flexible, cost-effective, co-innovation, and data-driven and scalable solutions for the intelligent enterprise.