AWS Architecture Blog

Category: Storage

Maryville University

Architecting a Data Lake for Higher Education Student Analytics

One of the keys to identifying timely and impactful actions is having enough raw material to work with. However, this up-to-date information typically lives in the databases that sit behind several different applications. One of the first steps to finding data-driven insights is gathering that information into a single store that an analyst can use […]

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Machine learning solution developed for customer

Building a Self-Service, Secure, and Continually Compliant Environment on AWS

Introduction If you’re an enterprise organization, especially in a highly regulated sector, you understand the struggle to innovate and drive change while maintaining your security and compliance posture. In particular, your banking customers’ expectations and needs are changing, and there is a broad move away from traditional branch and ATM-based services towards digital engagement. With […]

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Architectural Diagram

Field Notes: Building a Disaster Recovery site on AWS for your Azure Workload

Customers running workloads on other clouds, like Azure or GCP, can increase resilience and meet compliance requirements by using AWS as their disaster recovery site. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery provides an easy cross-cloud solution for replicating and recovering workloads from other cloud providers to AWS. It automatically converts your source machines so that they boot and […]

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Pre-processing pipeline architecture

Building a Scalable Document Pre-Processing Pipeline

In a recent customer engagement, Quantiphi, Inc., a member of the Amazon Web Services Partner Network, built a solution capable of pre-processing tens of millions of PDF documents before sending them for inference by a machine learning (ML) model. While the customer’s use case—and hence the ML model—was very specific to their needs, the pipeline that does […]

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High level diagram

Serving Billions of Ads in Just 100 ms Using Amazon Elasticache for Redis

This post was co-written with Lucas Ceballos, CTO of Smadex Introduction Showing ads may seem to be a simple task, but it’s not. Showing the right ad to the right user is an incredibly complex challenge that involves multiple disciplines such as artificial intelligence, data science, and software engineering. Doing it one million times per […]

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Static stability using availability zones

re:Invent 2019: Introducing the Amazon Builders’ Library (Part I)

This week I’m telling you about a new site we launched at re:Invent, the Amazon Builders’ Library, a collection of living articles covering topics across architecture, software delivery, and operations. You get to peek under the hood of how Amazon architects, releases, and operates the software underpinning and AWS. Want to know how does what it does? […]

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Architecting a Low-Cost Web Content Publishing System

Introduction When an IT team first contemplates reducing on-premises hardware they manage to support their workloads they often feel a tension between wanting to use cloud-native services versus taking a lift-and-shift approach. Cloud native services based on serverless designs could reduce costs and enable a solution that is easier to operate, but appears to be […]

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Automated Disaster Recovery using CloudEndure

There are any number of events that cause IT outages and impact business continuity. These could include the unexpected infrastructure or application outages caused by flooding, earthquakes, fires, hardware failures, or even malicious attacks. Cloud computing opens a new door to support disaster recovery strategies, with benefits such as elasticity, agility, speed to innovate, and […]

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Money laundering software workflow

FICO: Fraud Detection and Anti-Money Laundering with AWS Lambda and AWS Step Functions

In this episode of This is My Architecture, filmed in 2018 on the last day of re:Invent (a learning conference hosted by Amazon Web Services for the global cloud computing community), FICO lead Software Engineer Sven Ahlfeld talks to AWS Solutions Architect Tom Jones about how the company uses a combination of AWS Lambda and […]

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Handling AWS Chargebacks for Enterprise Customers

As AWS product portfolios and feature sets grow, as an enterprise customer, you are likely to migrate your existing workloads and innovate your new products on AWS. To help you keep your cloud charges simple, you can use consolidated billing. This can, however, create complexity for your internal chargebacks, especially if some of your resources […]

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