AWS Architecture Blog

Architecture overview

Integrating Salesforce with AWS DynamoDB using Amazon AppFlow bi-directionally

In this blog post, we demonstrate how to integrate Salesforce Lightning with Amazon DynamoDB by using Amazon AppFlow and Amazon EventBridge services bi-directionally. This is an event-driven, serverless-based microservice, allowing Salesforce users to update configuration data stored in DynamoDB tables without giving AWS account access from AWS Command Line Interface or AWS Management Console. This […]

AWS managed services help in building resilient infrastructures (click the image to enlarge)

A multi-dimensional approach helps you proactively prepare for failures, Part 2: Infrastructure layer

Distributed applications resiliency is a cumulative resiliency of applications, infrastructure, and operational processes. Part 1 of this series explored application layer resiliency. In Part 2, we discuss how using Amazon Web Services (AWS) managed services, redundancy, high availability, and infrastructure failover patterns based on recovery time and point objectives (RTO and RPO, respectively) can help in […]

Let's Architect

Let’s Architect! Architecting for the edge

Edge computing comprises elements of geography and networking and brings computing closer to the end users of the application. For example, using a content delivery network (CDN) such as AWS CloudFront can help video streaming providers reduce latency for distributing their material by taking advantage of caching at the edge. Another example might look like […]

Example use case architecture

Extending your SaaS platform with AWS Lambda

Software as a service (SaaS) providers continuously add new features and capabilities to their products to meet their growing customer needs. As enterprises adopt SaaS to reduce the total cost of ownership and focus on business priorities, they expect SaaS providers to enable customization capabilities. Many SaaS providers allow their customers (tenants) to provide customer-specific […]

API version found

Sequence Diagrams enrich your understanding of distributed architectures

Architecture diagrams visually communicate and document the high-level design of a solution. As the level of detail increases, so does the diagram’s size, density, and layout complexity. Using Sequence Diagrams, you can explore additional usage scenarios and enrich your understanding of the distributed architecture while continuing to communicate visually. This post takes a sample architecture […]

Figure 2. Tools you can use on AWS for optimization purposes

Optimizing your AWS Infrastructure for Sustainability, Part IV: Databases

In Part I: Compute, Part II: Storage, and Part III: Networking of this series, we introduced strategies to optimize the compute, storage, and networking layers of your AWS architecture for sustainability. This post, Part IV, focuses on the database layer and proposes recommendations to optimize your databases’ utilization, performance, and queries. These recommendations are based […]

Decision criteria for event-driven architecture pattern

A multi-dimensional approach helps you proactively prepare for failures, Part 1: Application layer

Resiliency of applications surpasses everything else in building customer trust. Because of this, it cannot be an afterthought. Instead of simply reacting to a failure, why not be proactive? As your system expands, you’ll likely encounter issues that can hinder your ability to scale, like security and cost. So, it’s necessary to think about the […]

Deployment governance with central pattern library

Accelerate deployments on AWS with effective governance

Amazon Web Services (AWS) users ask how to accelerate their teams’ deployments on AWS while maintaining compliance with security controls. In this blog post, we describe common governance models introduced in mature organizations to manage their teams’ AWS deployments. These models are best used to increase the maturity of your cloud infrastructure deployments. Governance models […]

Let's Architect

Let’s Architect! Architecting for big data workloads

Big data is often defined by 3 Vs: greater variety, volumes, and velocity. Because of the three Vs, big data poses data management challenges that cannot be solved with traditional databases. Not only that, but trying to overcome these issues can lead to scaling problems, bottlenecks, and spiraling costs. To help with this, you need to […]

Application coordination across accounts and single AWS Region

Coordinating large messages across accounts and Regions with Amazon SNS and SQS

Many organizations have applications distributed across various business units. Teams in these business units may develop their applications independent of each other to serve their individual business needs. Applications can reside in a single Amazon Web Services (AWS) account or be distributed across multiple accounts. Applications may be deployed to a single AWS Region or […]