AWS Architecture Blog

Field Notes: How to Scale Your Networks on Amazon Web Services

As AWS adoption increases throughout an organization, the number of networks and virtual private clouds (VPCs) to support them also increases. Customers can see growth upwards of tens, hundreds, or in the case of the enterprise, thousands of VPCs. Generally, this increase in VPCs is driven by the need to: Simplify routing, connectivity, and isolation […]

AZ Affinity implemented using AWS Cloud Map for service discovery

Improving Performance and Reducing Cost Using Availability Zone Affinity

One of the best practices for building resilient systems in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks is using multiple Availability Zones (AZ). An AZ is one or more discrete data centers with redundant power, networking, and connectivity. Using multiple AZs allows you to operate workloads that are more highly available, fault tolerant, and scalable than […]

Figure 4. Approaches to migrate relational database resources

Migrate Resources Between AWS Accounts

Have you ever wondered how to move resources between Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts? You can really view this as a migration of resources. Migrating resources from one AWS account to another may be desired or required due to your business needs. Following are a few scenarios where this may be of benefit: When you […]

Field Notes: How to Prepare Large Text Files for Processing with Amazon Translate and Amazon Comprehend

Biopharmaceutical manufacturing is a highly regulated industry where deviation documents are used to optimize manufacturing processes. Deviation documents in biopharmaceutical manufacturing processes are geographically diverse, spanning multiple countries and languages. The document corpus is complex, with additional requirements for complete encryption. Therefore, to reduce downtime and increase process efficiency, it is critical to automate the […]

Figure 7. Fan out design pattern including secondary pipeline for deleting images

Get Started with Amazon S3 Event Driven Design Patterns

Event driven programs use events to initiate succeeding steps in a process. For example, the completion of an upload job may then initiate an image processing job. This allows developers to create complex architectures by using the principle of decoupling. Decoupling is preferable for many workflows, as it allows each component to perform its tasks […]

Field Notes: Set Up a Highly Available Database on AWS with IBM Db2 Pacemaker

Many AWS customers need to run mission-critical workloads—like traffic control system, online booking system, and so forth—using the IBM Db2 LUW database server. Typically, these workloads require the right high availability (HA) solution to make sure that the database is available in the event of a host or Availability Zone failure. This HA solution for […]

Game day reference architecture example

Build Your Own Game Day to Support Operational Resilience

Operational resilience is your firm’s ability to provide continuous service through people, processes, and technology that are aware of and adaptive to constant change. Downtime of your mission-critical applications can not only damage your reputation, but can also make you liable to multi-million-dollar financial fines. One way to test operational resilience is to simulate life-like […]

CloudWatch for monitoring your storage resources

Optimizing your AWS Infrastructure for Sustainability, Part II: Storage

In Part I of this series, we introduced you to strategies to optimize the compute layer of your AWS architecture for sustainability. We provided you with success criteria, metrics, and architectural patterns to help you improve resource and energy efficiency of your AWS workloads. This blog post focuses on the storage layer of your AWS infrastructure and provides […]

CrowdStrike Falcon Horizon IOA architecture

Detect Adversary Behavior in Milliseconds with CrowdStrike and Amazon EventBridge

By integrating Amazon EventBridge with Falcon Horizon, CrowdStrike has developed a real-time, cloud-based solution that allows you to detect threats in less than a second. This solution uses AWS CloudTrail and EventBridge. CloudTrail allows governance, compliance, operational auditing, and risk auditing of your AWS account. EventBridge is a serverless event bus that makes it easier […]

Figure 2. Multi-Region deployment optimized for network latency

What to Consider when Selecting a Region for your Workloads

The AWS Cloud is an ever-growing network of Regions and points of presence (PoP), with a global network infrastructure that connects them together. With such a vast selection of Regions, costs, and services available, it can be challenging for startups to select the optimal Region for a workload. This decision must be made carefully, as […]