AWS Architecture Blog

Fitness functions provide feedback to engineers via metrics

Using Cloud Fitness Functions to Drive Evolutionary Architecture

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” – often attributed to Charles Darwin One common strategy for businesses that operate in dynamic market conditions (and thus need to continuously correct their course) is to aim for smaller, independent […]

Figure 1 - Architecture overview of the solution to launch a fully configured AWS Deep Learning Desktop with NICE DCV

Field Notes: Launch a Fully Configured AWS Deep Learning Desktop with NICE DCV

You want to start quickly when doing deep learning using GPU-activated Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances in the AWS Cloud. Although AWS provides end-to-end machine learning (ML) in Amazon SageMaker, working at the deep learning frameworks level, the quickest way to start is with AWS Deep Learning AMIs (DLAMIs), which provide preconfigured Conda environments for […]

Reducing latency by caching frequently accessed data on demand

Data Caching Across Microservices in a Serverless Architecture

Organizations are re-architecting their traditional monolithic applications to incorporate microservices. This helps them gain agility and scalability and accelerate time-to-market for new features. Each microservice performs a single function. However, a microservice might need to retrieve and process data from multiple disparate sources. These can include data stores, legacy systems, or other shared services deployed […]

Figure 6. Amazon Virtual Andon deployment architecture

Digitally Optimize your Factory Issue Resolution with Amazon Virtual Andon

As a manufacturing enterprise, maximizing your operational efficiency and optimizing output are critical in a competitive global market. Global black swan events such as COVID-19 have necessitated the ability to monitor remotely and respond to issues actively, on the factory floor. Amazon Virtual Andon (AVA) is a digital notification system that helps factory personnel raise, […]

Figure 1. Fault injection overview

Perform Chaos Testing on your Amazon Aurora Cluster

“Everything fails all the time” Werner Vogels, AWS CTO In 2010, Netflix introduced a tool called “Chaos Monkey”, that was used for introducing faults in a production environment. Chaos Monkey led to the birth of Chaos engineering where teams test their live applications by purposefully injecting faults. Observations are then used to take corrective action and […]

Reference Architecture Diagram showing Automated Deployment Flow

Field Notes: How Sportradar Accelerated Data Recovery Using AWS Services

This post was co-written by Mithil Prasad, AWS Senior Customer Solutions Manager, Patrick Gryczka, AWS Solutions Architect, Ben Burdsall, CTO at Sportradar and Justin Shreve, Director of Engineering at Sportradar.  Ransomware is a type of malware which encrypts data, effectively locking those affected by it out of their own data and requesting a payment to […]

Figure 1. Validation system for data classification

Using Amazon Macie to Validate S3 Bucket Data Classification

Securing sensitive information is a high priority for organizations for many reasons. At the same time, organizations are looking for ways to empower development teams to stay agile and innovative. Centralized security teams strive to create systems that align to the needs of the development teams, rather than mandating how those teams must operate. Security […]

Microservices-based order submission workflow

Architecting a Highly Available Serverless, Microservices-Based Ecommerce Site

The number of ecommerce vendors is growing globally, and they often handle large traffic at different times of the day and different days of the year. This, in addition to building, managing, and maintaining IT infrastructure on-premises data centers can present challenges to their businesses’ scalability and growth. This blog provides you a Serverless on […]

Figure 1. End-customer call flow

Integrating Amazon Connect and Amazon Lex with Third-party Systems

AWS customers who provide software solutions that integrate with AWS often require design patterns that offer some flexibility. They must build, support, and expand products and solutions to meet their end user business requirements. These design patterns must use the underlying services and infrastructure through API operations. As we will show, third-party solutions can integrate […]

Figure 2. Solution overview diagram

Intelligently Search Media Assets with Amazon Rekognition and Amazon ES

Media assets have become increasingly important to industries like media and entertainment, manufacturing, education, social media applications, and retail. This is largely due to innovations in digital marketing, mobile, and ecommerce. Successfully locating a digital asset like a video, graphic, or image reduces costs related to reproducing or re-shooting. An efficient search engine is critical […]