AWS News Blog

Category: Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

New – Use Amazon S3 Event Notifications with Amazon EventBridge

We launched Amazon EventBridge in mid-2019 to make it easy for you to build powerful, event-driven applications at any scale. Since that launch, we have added several important features including a Schema Registry, the power to Archive and Replay Events, support for Cross-Region Event Bus Targets, and API Destinations to allow you to send events […]

Welcome to AWS Storage Day 2021

Welcome to the third annual AWS Storage Day 2021! During Storage Day 2020 and the first-ever Storage Day 2019 we made many impactful announcements for our customers and this year will be no different. The one-day, free AWS Storage Day 2021 virtual event will be hosted on the AWS channel on Twitch. You’ll hear from […]

How to Accelerate Performance and Availability of Multi-region Applications with Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Points

Building multi-region applications allows you to improve latency for end users, achieve higher availability and resiliency in case of unexpected disasters, and adhere to business requirements related to data durability and data residency. For example, you might want to reduce the overall latency of dynamic API calls to your backend services . Or you might […]

An image showing how S3 Intelligent-Tiering Optimises costs by moving objects between access tier

Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering – Improved Cost Optimizations for Short-Lived and Small Objects

In 2018, we first launched Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering (S3 Intelligent-Tiering). For customers managing data across business units, teams, and products, unpredictable access patterns are often the norm. With the S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class, S3 automatically optimizes costs by moving data between access tiers as access patterns change. Today, we’re pleased to announce two updates to […]

Introducing Amazon S3 Object Lambda – Use Your Code to Process Data as It Is Being Retrieved from S3

March 15, 2023 – You can now use S3 Object Lambda with Amazon CloudFront to tailor content for end users. When you store data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), you can easily share it for use by multiple applications. However, each application has its own requirements and may need a different view of […]

S3 Storage Modes

Amazon S3 Glacier Price Reduction

The Amazon S3 Glacier storage class is ideal for data archiving and long-term backup of information that will be accessed at least once per quarter (Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive is a better fit for data that is seldom accessed). Amazon S3 Glacier stores your data across three Availability Zones (AZs), each physically separated from […]

Celebrate 15 Years of Amazon S3 with ‘Pi Week’ Livestream Events

I wrote the blog post that announced Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) fifteen years ago today. In that post, I made it clear that the service was accessed via APIs and that it was targeted at developers, outlined a few key features, and shared pricing information. Developers found that post, started to write code […]

AWS PrivateLink for Amazon S3 is Now Generally Available

At AWS re:Invent, we pre-announced that AWS PrivateLink for Amazon S3 was coming soon, and soon has arrived — this new feature is now generally available. AWS PrivateLink provides private connectivity between Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and on-premises resources using private IPs from your virtual network. Way back in 2015, Amazon S3 was […]