AWS Big Data Blog

Protein similarity search using ProtT5-XL-UniRef50 and Amazon OpenSearch Service

A protein is a sequence of amino acids that, when chained together, creates a 3D structure. This 3D structure allows the protein to bind to other structures within the body and initiate changes. This binding is core to the working of many drugs.

A common workflow within drug discovery is searching for similar proteins, because similar proteins likely have similar properties. Given an initial protein, researchers often look for variations that exhibit stronger binding, better solubility, or reduced toxicity. Despite advances in protein structure prediction, it’s still sometimes necessary to predict protein properties based on sequence alone. Thus, there is a need to quickly and at-scale get similar sequences based on an input sequence. In this blog post, we propose a solution based on Amazon OpenSearch Service for similarity search and the pretrained model ProtT5-XL-UniRef50, which we will use to generate embeddings. A repository providing such solution is available here. ProtT5-XL-UniRef50 is based on the t5-3b model and was pretrained on a large corpus of protein sequences in a self-supervised fashion.

Before diving into our solution, it’s important to understand what embeddings are and why they’re crucial for our task. Embeddings are dense vector representations of objects—proteins in our case—that capture the essence of their properties in a continuous vector space. An embedding is essentially a compact vector representation that encapsulates the significant features of an object, making it easier to process and analyze. Embeddings play an important role in understanding and processing complex data. They not only reduce dimensionality but also capture and encode intrinsic properties. This means that objects (such as words or proteins) with similar characteristics result in embeddings that are closer in the vector space. This proximity allows us to perform similarity searches efficiently, making embeddings invaluable for identifying relationships and patterns in large datasets.

Consider the analogy of fruits and their properties. In an embedding space, fruits such as mandarins and oranges would be close to each other because they share some characteristics, such as being round, color, and having similar nutritional properties. Similarly, bananas would be close to plantains, reflecting their shared properties. Through embeddings, we can understand and explore these relationships intuitively.

ProtT5-XL-UniRef50 is a machine learning (ML) model specifically designed to understand the language of proteins by converting protein sequences into multidimensional embeddings. These embeddings capture biological properties, allowing us to identify proteins with similar functions or structures in a multi-dimensional space because similar proteins will be encoded close together. This direct encoding of proteins into embeddings is crucial for our similarity search, providing a robust foundation for identifying potential drug targets or understanding protein functions.

Embeddings for the UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot protein database, which we use for this post, have been pre-computed and are available for download. If you have your own novel proteins, you can compute embeddings using ProtT5-XL-UniRef50, and then use these pre-computed embeddings to find known proteins with similar properties

In this post, we outline the broad functionalities of the solution and its components. Following this, we provide a brief explanation of what embeddings are, discussing the specific model used in our example. We then show how you can run this model on Amazon SageMaker. In addition, we dive into how to use the OpenSearch Service as a vector database. Finally, we demonstrate some practical examples of running similarity searches on protein sequences.

Solution overview

Let’s walk through the solution and all its components. Code for this solution is available on GitHub.

  1. We use OpenSearch Service vector database (DB) capabilities to store a sample of 20 thousand pre-calculated embeddings. These will be used to demonstrate similarity search. OpenSearch Service has advanced vector DB capabilities supporting multiple popular vector DB algorithms. For an overview of such capabilities see Amazon OpenSearch Service’s vector database capabilities explained.
  2. The open source prot_t5_xl_uniref50 ML model, hosted on Huggingface Hub, was used to calculate protein embeddings. We use the SageMaker Huggingface Inference Toolkit to quickly customize and deploy the model on SageMaker.
  3. The model is deployed and the solution is ready to calculate embeddings on any input protein sequence and perform similarity search against the protein embeddings we have preloaded on OpenSearch Service.
  4. We use a SageMaker Studio notebook to show how to deploy the model on SageMaker and then use an endpoint to extract protein features in the form of embeddings.
  5. After we have generated the embeddings in real time from the SageMaker endpoint, we run a query on OpenSearch Service to determine the five most similar proteins currently stored on OpenSearch Service index.
  6. Finally, the user can see the result directly from the SageMaker Studio notebook.
  7. To understand if the similarity search works well, we choose the Immunoglobulin Heavy Diversity 2/OR15-2A protein and we calculate its embeddings. The embeddings returned by the model are pre-residue, which is a detailed level of analysis where each individual residue (amino acid) in the protein is considered. In our case, we want to focus on the overall structure, function, and properties of the protein, so we calculate the per-protein embeddings. We achieve that by doing dimensionality reduction, calculating the mean overall per-residue features. Finally, we use the resulting embeddings to perform a similarity search and the first five proteins ordered by similarity are:
    • Immunoglobulin Heavy Diversity 3/OR15-3A
    • T Cell Receptor Gamma Joining 2
    • T Cell Receptor Alpha Joining 1
    • T Cell Receptor Alpha Joining 11
    • T Cell Receptor Alpha Joining 50

These are all immune cells with T cell receptors being a subtype of immunoglobulin. The similarity surfaced proteins that are all bio-functionally similar.

Costs and clean up

The solution we just walked through creates an OpenSearch Service domain which is billed according to number and instance type selected during creation time, see the OpenSearch Service Pricing page for the rate of those. You will also be charged for the SageMaker endpoint created by the deploy-and-similarity-search notebook, which is currently using a ml.g4dn.8xlarge instance type. See SageMaker pricing for details.

Finally, you are charged for the SageMaker Studio Notebooks according to the instance type you are using as detailed on the pricing page.

To clean up the resources created by this solution:


In this blog post we described a solution capable of calculating protein embeddings and performing similarity searches to find similar proteins. The solution uses the open source ProtT5-XL-UniRef50 model to calculate the embeddings and it deploys it on SageMaker Inference. We used OpenSearch Service as the vector DB. OpenSearch Service is pre-populated with 20 thousand human proteins from UniProt. Finally, the solution was validated by performing a similarity search on the Immunoglobulin Heavy Diversity 2/OR15-2A protein. We successfully evaluated that the proteins returned from OpenSearch Service are all in the immunoglobulin family and are bio-functionally similar. Code for this solution is available in GitHub.

The solution can be further tuned by testing different supported OpenSearch Service KNN algorithms and scaled by importing additional protein embeddings into OpenSearch Service indexes.


  • Elnaggar A, et al. “ProtTrans: Toward Understanding the Language of Life Through Self-Supervised Learning”. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell. 2020.
  • Mikolov, T.; Yih, W.; Zweig, G. “Linguistic Regularities in Continuous Space Word Representations”. HLT-Naacl: 746–751. 2013.

About the Authors

that's meCamillo Anania is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. He is a tech enthusiast who loves helping healthcare and life science startups get the most out of the cloud. With a knack for cloud technologies, he’s all about making sure these startups can thrive and grow by leveraging the best cloud solutions. He is excited about the new wave of use cases and possibilities unlocked by GenAI and does not miss a chance to dive into them.

Adam McCarthy is the EMEA Tech Leader for Healthcare and Life Sciences Startups at AWS. He has over 15 years’ experience researching and implementing machine learning, HPC, and scientific computing environments, especially in academia, hospitals, and drug discovery.