Business Productivity

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Customers like Slack choose the Amazon Chime SDK for real-time communications

Amazon Chime is a meetings and video conferencing service. Developers can use the same communications infrastructure to add audio, video, and screen sharing capabilities directly to their applications using the Amazon Chime SDK. Since the launch of the Amazon Chime SDK at re:Invent 2019, many of our customers have been using the SDK to embed […]

Integrating PSTN callers with Amazon Chime SDK meetings

Using Amazon Chime SDK meetings, you can create a custom meeting application for users to start or join calls over web browsers or mobile. However, you may also seek to support callers from Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTN) phones dialing in to your Amazon Chime SDK meetings. This may include callers that have weak or […]

Mask user phone numbers using Amazon Chime proxy phone sessions

On April 6, we released Amazon Chime proxy phone sessions. Developers can now easily enable two users to call or text for up to twelve hours, without requiring users to share their personal phone numbers. Instead of reaching each other using personal phone numbers, they use a number provided on demand by Amazon Chime proxy phone […]

Importing Azure Active Directory users and groups into Alexa for Business Directory using AWS Lambda

Alexa for Business Directory enables customers to create contacts and address books that give their end users hands-free calling from Alexa devices in their office. Currently, Alexa for Business administrators enter contacts manually, create an address book, and then assign contacts to the address book. Using this method to create hundreds of contacts becomes impractical. […]

Boosting Work from Home Productivity with Amazon Alexa

How I set-up my home for remote work and used Alexa for Business work-based features on my Echo devices to boost my work-from-home productivity Last year, when I joined the Alexa for Business team as the East Coast representative based out of New York City, I transitioned to working remotely from home in the mornings. […]

Understanding Security in the Amazon Chime Application and SDK

Workers and teachers around the world increasingly rely on Amazon Chime and other services that enable remote working and distance education. As their usage has increased, so has scrutiny of security practices. Customers want to be sure that the content of their meetings and classes is accessible only to those intended to have access. This […]

How to Enable Client-Side Recording Using the Amazon Chime SDK

Builders who integrate real-time communications in their own web applications with the Amazon Chime SDK often ask how to enable client-side recording of audio calling, video calling, and screen sharing sessions. In this blog post, we demonstrate how you can deploy web-based recording service into your AWS account and record an Amazon Chime SDK session. Solution […]

Building a Meeting Application using the Amazon Chime SDK

The Amazon Chime SDK provides a set of real-time communications components that developers can use to add audio, video, and screen sharing sessions to their own applications. The Amazon Chime SDK can be used to build solutions like full unified communications (UC) applications, distance learning solutions, tele-health applications, and simple one-to-one video interaction with customers. […]

Building a Virtual Classroom Application using the Amazon Chime SDK

This post demonstrates how to build a virtual classroom application using the real-time communication capabilities of the Amazon Chime SDK. Whether you are looking for a starter or a scalable solution, you can use the classroom demo application included in the Amazon Chime GitHub repository as part of this blog to get started. A classroom […]

Amazon Chime SDK adds Content Share and Support for Safari Browsers

Today, AWS announced the latest version of Amazon Chime SDK for JavaScript, Version 1.2.1 (available on npm and GitHub). This new version fully supports the Safari versions 13.0 and above. This update enables users of applications built with the Amazon Chime SDK to share screens or application windows from Safari browsers (previous versions of the […]