AWS Contact Center

Category: Amazon Connect

Amazon Connect – So Easy an Eight-Year-Old Can Use It

Contact centers can be tough to integrate with, maintain, and manage. Amazon Connect is a cloud contact center service, which simplifies the contact center process, especially for the customers. Amazon Connect starts from the point of view that time is valuable. Spend time doing the things that help your customers to have the first-rate experiences. […]

Amazon Connect with Amazon Lex Press or Say Input

You’re sitting in a public place and need to contact customer support over the phone. Perhaps you’re traveling and need to confirm or change a reservation or get an account balance. Maybe you need to reset an account password because you always access the account from your tablet instead of your phone. We’ve all been […]

Welcome to the New AWS Contact Center Blog

The origins of Amazon Connect are much like the origins of AWS. After more than a decade building and running the scalable web application, developers and organizations asked if they could use the same technology, so in 2006 we launched AWS. Around the same time, the Amazon Customer Service team realized that our company-wide goal […]