AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: Developer Tools

Setting up an Android application with AWS SDK for C++

The AWS SDK for C++ can build and run on many different platforms, including Android. In this post, I walk you through building and running a sample application on an Android device. Overview I cover the following topics: Building and installing the SDK for C++ and creating a desktop application that implements the basic functionality. […]

Configuring boto to validate HTTPS certificates

We strongly recommend upgrading from boto to boto3, the latest major version of the AWS SDK for Python. The previous major version, boto, does not default to validating HTTPS certificates for Amazon S3 when you are: Using a Python version less than 2.7.9 or Using Python 2.7.9 or greater and are connecting to S3 through […]

Real-time streaming transcription with the AWS C++ SDK

Today, I’d like to walk you through how to use the AWS C++ SDK to leverage Amazon Transcribe streaming transcription. This service allows you to do speech-to-text processing in real time. Streaming transcription uses HTTP/2 technology to communicate efficiently with clients. In this walkthrough, you build a command line application that captures audio from the […]

Serverless data engineering at Zalando with the AWS CDK

This blog was authored by Viacheslav Inozemtsev, Data Engineer at Zalando, an active user of the serverless technologies in AWS, and an early adopter of the AWS Cloud Development Kit.   Infrastructure is extremely important for any system, but it usually doesn’t carry business logic. It’s also hard to manage and track. Scripts and templates […]

Referencing the AWS SDK for .NET Standard 2.0 from Unity, Xamarin, or UWP

In March 2019, AWS announced support for .NET Standard 2.0 in SDK for .NET. They also announced plans to remove the Portable Class Library (PCL) assemblies from NuGet packages in favor of the .NET Standard 2.0 binaries. If you’re starting a new project targeting a platform supported by .NET Standard 2.0, especially recent versions of Unity, Xamarin and […]

Getting started with the AWS Cloud Development Kit and Python

This post introduces you to the new Python bindings for the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). What’s the AWS CDK, you might ask? Good question! You are probably familiar with the concept of infrastructure as code (IaC). When you think of IaC, you might think of things like AWS CloudFormation. AWS CloudFormation allows you […]

V2 AWS SDK for Go adds Context to API operations

As of January 19th, 2021, the AWS SDK for Go, version 2 (v2) is generally available. The v2 AWS SDK for Go developer preview made a breaking change in the release of v0.8.0. The v0.8.0 release added a new parameter, context.Context, to the SDK’s Send and Paginate Next methods. Context was added as a required […]

New — Analyze and debug distributed applications interactively using AWS X-Ray Analytics

Developers spend a lot of time searching through application logs, service logs, metrics, and traces to understand performance bottlenecks and to pinpoint their root causes. Correlating this information to identify its impact on end users comes with its own challenges of mining the data and performing analysis. This adds to the triaging time when using […]

Query Systems Manager Parameter Store for AWS Regions, endpoints and more using PowerShell

In Jeff Barr’s recent blog post, he announced support for querying AWS Region and service availability programmatically by using AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. The examples in the blog post all used the AWS CLI, but the post noted that you can also use the AWS Tools for PowerShell. In this post I’ll show you […]

Deep dive into AWS X-Ray groups and use cases

AWS X-Ray helps developers analyze and debug distributed applications, such as those built using a microservices architecture. With X-Ray, you can understand how your application and its underlying services are performing to identify and troubleshoot the root cause of performance issues and errors. X-Ray not only enables developers and DevOps engineers to get to the […]