AWS Developer Tools Blog

Recommended AWS CDK project structure for Python applications

September 22, 2022: Migrated the reference application to AWS CDK v2. Renamed to backend/ to support multi-component use cases and better emphasize the mapping of AWS Well-Architected Framework component terminology. Renamed to to expand the scope to any tools related to component’s software development life cycle (e.g. continuous deployment pipeline, pull request […]

Introducing Amazon S3 Transfer Manager in the AWS SDK for Java 2.x

We are pleased to announce the Developer Preview release of the Amazon S3 Transfer Manager – a high level file transfer utility for the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) in the AWS SDK for Java 2.x. Using Transfer Manager’s simple API, you can now perform accelerated uploads and downloads of objects to and from […]

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Announcing the end of support for Node.js 10.x in the AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3)

Starting January 1, 2022, AWS SDK For JavaScript (v3) will no longer support Node.js 10.x which was EOL on April 30, 2021. We encourage you to upgrade to Node.js 12.x or later. We recommend Node.js 14.x which was released on April 21, 2020 and became active LTS on October 27, 2020. Motivation As Node.js 10.x version […]

Construct Hub Developer Preview

We are excited to announce the Construct Hub developer preview. It is a one-stop destination for finding, reusing and sharing constructs authored by AWS, AWS Partner Network partners, third parties, and the developer community. In the preview version of the website, we list constructs for Python and TypeScript programming languages. CDK constructs are cloud architecture building […]

Mocking modular AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) in Unit Tests

The AWS SDK for Javascript team would like to highlight the open-source community and it’s contributions. Today we welcome a guest blog written by Maciej Radzikowski on aws-sdk-client-mock, a library that allows easy mocking of AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3). On December 15th, 2020, AWS announced the general availability of the AWS SDK for JavaScript, version 3 […]

The AWS SDK for Java 2.17 removes its external dependency on Jackson

We have released the AWS SDK for Java 2.17, which removes the SDK’s external dependency on the popular third-party JSON library, Jackson. This means that AWS SDK for Java 2.x no longer requires an external copy of Jackson-databind, Jackson-core, or Jackson-dataformat-cbor in order to function. This release does not change any of the public AWS […]

AWS Toolkit for JetBrains now supports Go and TypeScript

Customers can now create, locally debug and deploy AWS Lambda functions written in Go and TypeScript from GoLand, WebStorm and IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate using the AWS Toolkit for JetBrains. The AWS Toolkit for JetBrains is an open-source plugin that lets you leverage the integrated development environment (IDE) for the creation, debugging, and deployment of software […]

Building an Apache Kafka data processing Java application using the AWS CDK - featured image

Building an Apache Kafka data processing Java application using the AWS CDK

Building an Apache Kafka data processing Java application using the AWS CDK Piotr Chotkowski, Cloud Application Development Consultant, AWS Professional Services Using a Java application to process data queued in Apache Kafka is a common use case across many industries. Event-driven and microservices architectures, for example, often rely on Apache Kafka for data streaming and […]

Build and Deploy .Net Core WebAPI Container to Amazon EKS using CDK & cdk8s

In this blog, we will leverage the development capabilities of the CDK for Kubernetes framework also known as cdk8s along with the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) framework to provision infrastructure through AWS CloudFormation. cdk8s allows us to define Kubernetes apps and components using familiar languages. cdk8s is an open-source software development framework for defining Kubernetes applications and […]

The AWS SDK for Java version 1.12 upgrades its dependency on Jackson

We are raising the minor version of AWS SDK for Java from 1.11 to 1.12 in order to upgrade the SDK’s dependency on the popular third-party JSON library, Jackson. This release does not change any of the AWS SDK APIs. Even though there are some backwards-incompatible changes in Jackson APIs, it should be a straight-forward […]