AWS DevOps Blog

Tag: AWS CodeCommit

Architecture diagram

Building a CI/CD pipeline for cross-account deployment of an AWS Lambda API with the Serverless Framework

Modern-day applications that reside on AWS have several distinct environments and accounts, such as dev, test, and staging. An application has to go through an elaborate process of deployment and testing in these environments before reaching its final destination. To achieve automated deployment of the application across different environments, you must use CI/CD pipelines. Different […]

Building a CI/CD pipeline for multi-region deployment with AWS CodePipeline

This post discusses the benefits of and how to build an AWS CI/CD pipeline in AWS CodePipeline for multi-region deployment. The CI/CD pipeline triggers on application code changes pushed to your AWS CodeCommit repository. This automatically feeds into AWS CodeBuild for static and security analysis of the CloudFormation template. Another CodeBuild instance builds the application […]

Testing and creating CI/CD pipelines for AWS Step Functions

AWS Step Functions allow users to easily create workflows that are highly available, serverless, and intuitive. Step Functions natively integrate with a variety of AWS services including, but not limited to, AWS Lambda, AWS Batch, AWS Fargate, and Amazon SageMaker. It offers the ability to natively add error handling, retry logic, and complex branching, all […]

Identifying and resolving security code vulnerabilities using Snyk in AWS CI/CD Pipeline

The majority of companies have embraced open-source software (OSS) at an accelerated rate even when building proprietary applications. Some of the obvious benefits for this shift include transparency, cost, flexibility, and a faster time to market. Snyk’s unique combination of developer-first tooling and best in class security depth enables businesses to easily build security into […]

Receive AWS Developer Tools Notifications over Slack using AWS Chatbot

Developers often use Slack to communicate with each other about their code. With AWS Chatbot, you can configure notifications for developer tools resources such as repositories, build projects, deployment applications, and pipelines so that users in Slack channels are automatically notified about important events. When a deployment fails, a build succeeds, or a pull request […]

Integrating SonarQube as a pull request approver on AWS CodeCommit

Integrating SonarQube as a pull request approver on AWS CodeCommit On Nov 25th, AWS CodeCommit launched a new feature that allows customers to configure approval rules on pull requests. Approval rules act as a gate on your source code changes. Pull requests which fail to satisfy the required approvals cannot be merged into your important […]

Integrating SonarCloud with AWS CodePipeline using AWS CodeBuild

In most development processes, common challenges include the quality of released code and the efficiency of the code review process. There are multiple tools providing insights into code quality which can easily be integrated into the daily routine of the development team. One such tool is SonarCloud, a code analysis as a service provided by […]

DevOps at re:Invent 2019!

re:Invent 2019 is fast approaching and we here at the AWS DevOps blog wanted to take a moment to highlight DevOps focused presentations, share some tips from experienced re:Invent pro’s, and highlight a few sessions that still have availability for pre-registration. We’ve broken down the track into one overarching leadership session and four topic areas: […]

Migration to AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild From GitLab

This walkthrough shows you how to migrate multiple repositories to AWS CodeCommit from GitLab and set up a CI/CD pipeline using AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild. Event notifications and pull requests are sent to Amazon Chime for project team member communication. AWS CodeCommit supports all Git commands and works with existing Git tools. I can […]

Implementing GitFlow Using AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodeDeploy

February 9, 2024: Before reading this post, please note that AWS CodePipeline recently added support for Branch-based development and Monorepos simplifying the architecture discussed in this post. This post provides a high-level framework for how to implement GitFlow using AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodeDeploy. We also provide AWS CloudFormation templates and […]