AWS for Industries
AWS Public Database program adds valuable MIMIC-III dataset for researchers
Biomedical researchers require access to accurate, detailed data. The MIT Laboratory of Computational Physiology (LCP) MIMIC-III dataset is a popular resource that captures a variety of measures longitudinally over time, across many patients, and can drive analytics and machine learning toward research discovery and improved clinical decision-making. Recently, the MIT Laboratory of Computational Physiology (LCP) started hosting the MIMIC-III dataset on the AWS cloud through the AWS Public Dataset program.
You can now use the MIMIC-III dataset via S3 without having to download, copy, or pay to store it. Instead, you can analyze the MIMIC-III dataset in the AWS Cloud using AWS services like Amazon EC2, Athena, AWS Lambda, or Amazon EMR. AWS Cloud availability enables quicker and cheaper research into the dataset.