AWS for Industries

Category: Analytics

Driving business feature card

Driving Business Outcomes with Clickstream Data

In today’s competitive world, customer obsession isn’t an option, it’s an imperative. Mastering customer obsession starts with data—demographics, psychographics, transactions, purchase records, support cases, product usage, shopping habits, content preferences, and more. According to Gartner report, less than 10% of companies have a 360-view of the consumer. Not because they don’t try, but because it […]

FSI Services Spotlight: Featuring Amazon EMR (Amazon EMR)

Welcome back to the Financial Services Industry (FSI) Service Spotlight monthly blog series. Each month we look at five key considerations that FSI customers should focus on to help streamline cloud service approval for one particular service. Each of the five key considerations includes specific guidance, suggested reference architectures, and technical code that can be […]

Figure 1 The AWS shared responsibility model and MachineMetrics

Manufacturing analytics in regulated industries with MachineMetrics on AWS

MachineMetrics on AWS supports automated production monitoring and analytics, while maintaining strong security and compliance. Users achieve strong security and compliance at scale, by using underlying MachineMetrics and AWS frameworks. There’s a myth in the life sciences industry that cloud-based solutions threaten compliance due to a lack of security and stability. This level of caution can […]

Implement FAIR scientific data principles when building HCLS data lakes

The FAIR data principles were first proposed in a seminal paper published in 2016 in the Journal Scientific Data. It was written by a group of international experts in data management and curation. To address the challenges that the research community is facing, they proposed FAIR Principles as a framework for making data more discoverable, […]

Applying carbon value modeling to achieve net-zero

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and it’s becoming increasingly clear that we need to take rapid action to reduce our carbon emissions. To be carbon-neutral by 2050 and keep the Earth’s mean temperature below 2° C of preindustrial levels, the world must curb emissions by 7.6 percent per […]

Enhancing Store Inventory feature card

Enhancing Retail Store Inventory Management through RFID Technology & AWS

Guidance for RFID Store Inventory Management on AWS The need for RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is growing. Retailers face many challenges in managing their inventory, including out-of-stock situations, misplaced items, and shrinkage. These challenges can impact the bottom line and hurt the customer experience. To address these issues, retailers are increasingly turning to RFID technologies. […]

Track customer traffic in aisles and cash counters using Computer Vision-feature card

Track customer traffic in aisles and cash counters using Computer Vision

The retail industry has changed dramatically over the last couple of decades. From small shops to large retail chains of stores. The rise of ecommerce, use of digital promotions and targeted marketing are just some examples where technology has contributed to the immense growth of the market. From personalized customer experiences to sustainability the field […]

Thredup feature card

How AWS is helping thredUP revolutionize the resale model for brands

Like global landfills, the fashion industry waste problem is growing by the second. Retailers are struggling to address an enormous (and pressing) concern: what happens to their products after point-of-sale and what are the environmental implications? In the United States, companies spend an estimated $50 billion on product returns. These returned goods are responsible for […]

Treasure Data’s Customer Data Platform feature card

Treasure Data’s Customer Data Platform helps Danone Indonesia nourish the future

Since 1954, Danone Indonesia, a subsidiary of Danone (one of the largest food and beverage producers in the world) has been committed to sustainable and equitable nutrition. Their mission is simple: to provide health through food to as many people as possible. Danone Indonesia produces several varieties of mineral water such as AQUA, Mizone, and […]

Building a Credit Card Payment Processing Platform on AWS

The Financial Services Industry (FSI) is in the midst of a significant transformation and given the key role digitization plays, electronic payments are at the epicenter of this transformation. Payments are becoming increasingly cashless, and the industry’s role in fostering inclusion has become a significant priority. Innovation and development of digital economies are supported by […]