AWS for Industries

Category: Amazon EventBridge

Using serverless architecture for efficient SMETS 2 data ingestion and processing

Using serverless architecture for efficient SMETS 2 data ingestion and processing

In the dynamic landscape of energy consumption, the ability to monitor and manage energy usage has become a critical need for consumers. At the heart of this evolution are Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specifications (SMETS) 2 meters. These sophisticated meters represent the second and more advanced generation of smart meters in the United Kingdom. Unlike […]

Intelligent rig operations classification with HITL on AWS feature card

Intelligent rig operations classification with HITL on AWS

In the oil and gas industry, rig reports are essential for monitoring the performance and operations of drilling rigs. These reports contain a vast amount of unstructured data, including comments from rig personnel regarding rig activities such as drilling progress, equipment maintenance, process interruptions, and safety observations (Figure 1). In blog #1, we discussed a […]

AWS Entity Resolution for Health Data

AWS Entity Resolution for Health Data

Introduction This post shows how AWS Entity Resolution can tackle the challenge of linking and matching records in healthcare and provides a walkthrough of how-to setup a patient 360 view with a continuous entity resolution workflow. It also explains how AWS HealthLake can help healthcare customers securely store, transform, and manage their data. By the end […]

Improve application resiliency using AWS Incident Detection and Response

Improve application resiliency using AWS Incident Detection and Response

Airline applications that handle critical functions such as flight booking, flight tracking, reward programs, baggage tracking, in-flight entertainment, and so on are transforming the way passengers experience air travel. Any disruption to these applications may inconvenience passengers, or worse, lead to loss of revenue and passenger trust. Disruptions that lead to major delays may also […]

Smiles gains advantages using serverless-first strategy with AWS

Smiles gains advantages using serverless-first strategy with AWS

In this blog post, we delve into the journey of Smiles Fidelidade, a loyalty company affiliated with Gol Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes (GOL) Airlines. Smiles has partnerships with over fifty airlines and a customer base exceeding 21.8 million active users. To better serve these customers, the company adopted a serverless-first strategy to improve agility, responsiveness, and the […]

Scientific Data Management on AWS with Open Source Quilt Data Packages

Scientific Data Management on AWS with Open Source Quilt Data Packages

End-to-end scientific data management on the cloud is an area of increasing interest, as life sciences companies aim to increase the utility of their data. Research, development, and manufacturing teams need a holistic set of controls for the scientific data lifecycle. These controls include data integrity, metadata tracking, lineage, permissions, and security, while simultaneously allowing […]

How to build serverless entity resolution workflows on AWS

How to build serverless entity resolution workflows on AWS

Consumers expect companies to engage with them in a highly relevant and personalized way regardless of channel. In a study done by Twilio, 60 percent of consumers say that they will make a repeat purchase after a personalized experience. A study from McKinsey & Company indicates that more than 70 percent of consumers expect a […]

InsurTech: Event-driven Insurance Policy Processing Approach

InsurTech: Event-driven Insurance Policy Processing Approach

Traditional monolithic policy processing systems are often burdened with complexity and inefficiency, leading to slow response times, errors, and customer dissatisfaction. However, the emergence of InsurTech has paved the way for innovative solutions that can revolutionize insurance policy processing. In this blog, you’ll learn how to build a modern, scalable insurance policy administration system on […]

Automated genomic data processing with AWS HealthOmics & TetraScience

Automated genomic data processing with AWS HealthOmics & TetraScience

Data governance strategies based on FAIR Data principles can increase operational efficiency and accelerate innovation in R&D. Amazon Web Services (AWS), along with partners such as TetraScience, enable pharmaceutical and biotech customers to adopt FAIR data governance practices with solutions that help process and store large-scale data for research and diagnostic purposes. This blog shows […]

Enhance price capture in energy and commodity trading with AWS machine learning

Enhance price capture in energy and commodity trading with AWS machine learning

In the energy and commodity trading industry, traders negotiate transactions with brokers and counterparties directly. These negotiated transactions are called over-the-counter (OTC) deals. Price discovery for OTC deals is unlike price discovery for common equity, options, and other financial instruments, where pricing information is generally market-efficient and available in near real time. In OTC trades, […]