AWS for Industries

Category: Application Services

Scientific Data Management on AWS with Open Source Quilt Data Packages

Scientific Data Management on AWS with Open Source Quilt Data Packages

End-to-end scientific data management on the cloud is an area of increasing interest, as life sciences companies aim to increase the utility of their data. Research, development, and manufacturing teams need a holistic set of controls for the scientific data lifecycle. These controls include data integrity, metadata tracking, lineage, permissions, and security, while simultaneously allowing […]

How to build serverless entity resolution workflows on AWS

How to build serverless entity resolution workflows on AWS

Consumers expect companies to engage with them in a highly relevant and personalized way regardless of channel. In a study done by Twilio, 60 percent of consumers say that they will make a repeat purchase after a personalized experience. A study from McKinsey & Company indicates that more than 70 percent of consumers expect a […]

InsurTech: Event-driven Insurance Policy Processing Approach

InsurTech: Event-driven Insurance Policy Processing Approach

Traditional monolithic policy processing systems are often burdened with complexity and inefficiency, leading to slow response times, errors, and customer dissatisfaction. However, the emergence of InsurTech has paved the way for innovative solutions that can revolutionize insurance policy processing. In this blog, you’ll learn how to build a modern, scalable insurance policy administration system on […]

Enhance price capture in energy and commodity trading with AWS machine learning

Enhance price capture in energy and commodity trading with AWS machine learning

In the energy and commodity trading industry, traders negotiate transactions with brokers and counterparties directly. These negotiated transactions are called over-the-counter (OTC) deals. Price discovery for OTC deals is unlike price discovery for common equity, options, and other financial instruments, where pricing information is generally market-efficient and available in near real time. In OTC trades, […]

Fidelity International improves customer experience using Amazon SageMaker

Fidelity International improves customer experience using Amazon SageMaker

Many companies want to actively use advance analytics to bring operational efficiencies and improve the customer experience. Automating and migrating to the cloud machine learning operations (MLOps) techniques can provide streamlined machine learning (ML), improved data processing, and enhance operational efficiency—leading to substantial cost reductions compared to on-premises deployment. The challenge There has been a […]

SoePay feature card

How payment companies are building SoftPOS solutions on AWS

The needs for dedicated card machines (or readers) tied to point-of-sale (POS) systems have historically restricted certain micro-merchants from adoption of electronic payments. New advancements in payments technology and standards have led to the development of software point-of-sale (SoftPOS). SoftPOS is a software-based solution that transforms near field communication (NFC)-enabled smartphones into a contactless payment […]

Remote Vehicle Diagnostics with AWS IoT FleetWise and Amazon Connect

Remote vehicle diagnostics is the ability to remotely detect and diagnose vehicle malfunctions. Connected mobility and improvements in On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) have made it possible to remotely diagnose vehicle malfunctions. Prior to connected vehicles the repair process was reactive. Service centers had little insight into vehicle malfunctions until they were brought in and inspected. Service […]

Tealium Delivers Cross-channel Customer Experiences with Amazon Personalize

Personalization is a key element in elevating the customer experience. It involves tailoring products, services, and interactions to meet the unique needs and preferences of each individual customer. When done effectively, personalization impacts positively business performance, making customers feel understood and valued. It also helps businesses differentiate themselves from competitors, increasing loyalty and advocacy. Personalized […]

Retail_Top 5 Way AI and ML are Changing Retail Feature Card

Top 5 ways artificial intelligence and machine learning are changing retail

The retail industry is facing numerous challenges in today’s dynamic landscape that are forcing them to rethink their strategies. Retailers must keep up with technological advancements, such as generative AI, artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) and ecommerce platforms, to remain competitive to retain customers and market share. Retailers face intense competition from both traditional […]

Using events for secure, near-real-time integration of measurement and related data from the EnergySys platform feature card

Using events for secure, near-real-time integration of measurement and related data from the EnergySys platform

Energy companies operate sophisticated technical infrastructure with complex requirements, and they need to share data securely across application and company boundaries. These companies are increasingly focused on achieving agile operations, responding rapidly to change, and developing new solutions in an evolving business context, including energy transition. However, conventional approaches to data sharing are often cumbersome, […]