AWS for Industries

How we built this on aws feature card

How We Built This on AWS: ConnectedFresh

The How We Built This blog series features conversations with C-suite executives that are building innovative restaurant technologies on AWS Every restaurant operator knows the stress of unforeseen equipment outages and food safety concerns. These issues often result in reactive responses, which can be expensive and diminish the time spent enhancing guest experiences. However, restaurant […]

How Generative AI will transform manufacturing

Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have been a focus for Amazon for decades, and we’ve worked to democratize ML and make it accessible to everyone who wants to use it, including more than 100,000 customers of all sizes and industries. This includes manufacturing companies who are looking beyond AI/ML to generative AI […]

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Ancala Midstream Unlocks Scalability and Agility for Its Oil and Gas Operations Using EnergySys Software

Managing asset data in the oil and gas industry can be challenging. From offshore wells to pipelines to liquefied natural gas plants, a single company could oversee many individual assets that need to comply with complex commercial agreements. EnergySys Limited (EnergySys) simplifies data management using a simple-to-deploy, cloud-native, low-code environment. Its software is powered by […]

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Improve Patient Safety Intelligence Using AWS AI/ML Services

Today, healthcare organizations rely on a combination of automated and manual processes to compose, review, and classify patient safety reports. These reports are entered manually by front-line clinicians into the RL Datix reporting system. This entry includes both discrete data points as well as a free-text narrative. Although the data collection process may begin with […]

Track customer traffic in aisles and cash counters using Computer Vision-feature card

Track customer traffic in aisles and cash counters using Computer Vision

The retail industry has changed dramatically over the last couple of decades. From small shops to large retail chains of stores. The rise of ecommerce, use of digital promotions and targeted marketing are just some examples where technology has contributed to the immense growth of the market. From personalized customer experiences to sustainability the field […]

Generative AI for Telcos: taking customer experience and productivity to the next level feature card_woman at a desktop computer

Generative AI for Telcos: taking customer experience and productivity to the next level

According to a recent Gartner® CEO survey – The Pause and Pivot Year, what is the “top new technology that CEOs believe will significantly impact their industry over the next three years”? You guessed it: Artificial Intelligence. “21% of CEO’s say AI is the top disruptive technology.”i Telcos are not alone in recognizing the immense […]

Telco Workload Placement and Configuration Updates feature card

Telco Workload Placement and Configuration Updates with Lambda and inotify

With users and applications demanding high bandwidth along with low latencies, mobile service providers and application developers are working hard to meet demanding performance requirements. To deliver high bandwidth with low latencies, operators often need to deploy mobile Container Network Functions (CNFs) to deliver network connectivity services closer to the traffic location. Since a CNF […]

The US Treasury Report on Cloud Adoption in Financial Services and how AWS is supporting customers

Earlier this year, the United States Department of the Treasury (UST) released a report titled “The Financial Services Sector’s Adoption of Cloud Services,” based on discussions with financial services and technology organizations, including AWS. The report discusses the ways financial institutions (FIs) and consumers can benefit when FIs use cloud services, including “reduced costs, ability […]

How AWS can help you adapt to new regulatory draft guidance for use of learning AI in medical devices

New draft guidance from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) opens the door for medical devices with AI/ML to learn and improve after the product comes to market. The guidance, required by Congress in late 2022 as part of the fiscal year 2023 omnibus bill, addresses a long-standing challenge with the approval or clearance of […]

Figure 2 Comparison of AWS Gravitron3 processors

How DeviceAtlas optimized Real-Time Advertising Price/Performance on AWS Graviton3

This post is co-written with Isabel Hughes, Senior Content Specialist, at DeviceAtlas and Ronan Cremin, Chief Technology Officer at DeviceAtlas Around the Web in 100 milliseconds In the time it takes to load a web page, several programmatic auctions have already started, ended, and served the winning ad impressions. Real-time bidding (RTB) is a unique […]