AWS for Industries

Transform supply chain plannin-feature-card

Transform supply chain planning into your competitive advantage with Anaplan and Amazon Forecast

Facing an increasingly competitive and rapidly shifting marketplace, businesses are under pressure to find new opportunities faster than ever. The volatility has hit consumer goods companies and retailers especially hard, challenging them to optimize their supply chain, reduce waste, and drive faster, smarter decision-making. For many, the answer lies in harnessing the vast quantities of […]

Top 3 Investments for Digital Commerce 2023 feature card

VTEX Industry Research: Top 3 Investments for Digital Commerce 2023

The past three years have been some of the most tumultuous in the history of retail, and there’s no end in sight. The onset of COVID-19 completely reshaped the rules of commerce, ushering in a new era of ecommerce that emphasizes profitability over growth at all costs. Yet, a recent survey by Publicis Sapient revealed […]

Harnessing the Power of Generative AI for Automotive Technologies on AWS

Generative AI for Automotive to Empower Software Defined Vehicles and Autonomous Mobility The seeds of a machine learning (ML) paradigm shift have existed for decades, but with the ready availability of scalable compute capacity, a massive proliferation of data, and the rapid advancement of ML technologies, customers across the automotive and manufacturing industries are transforming […]

How businesses can gain ecommerce capabilities to increase sales feature card

How businesses can gain ecommerce capabilities to increase sales

Continued growth in ecommerce and digital channels The recent pandemic has resulted in irreversible shifts in customers’ behaviors. Customers’ buying habits have shifted to digital channels and this has resulted in small and medium sized businesses losing revenues and potentially those customers forever. Despite customers returning to physical retail stores, digital channels still top customers’ […]

Building a Credit Card Payment Processing Platform on AWS

The Financial Services Industry (FSI) is in the midst of a significant transformation and given the key role digitization plays, electronic payments are at the epicenter of this transformation. Payments are becoming increasingly cashless, and the industry’s role in fostering inclusion has become a significant priority. Innovation and development of digital economies are supported by […]

Drive Hotel Mobile Adoption feature card

Drive Hotel Mobile Adoption with Conversations by NLX

In today’s fast-paced world, mobile adoption is critical for any industry looking to stay ahead of the competition. The hotel industry is no exception. Guests want mobile options, and the benefits of mobile adoption for hotels are tenfold. Mobile adoption means fewer calls to the front desk and concierge, freeing up staff time to perform […]

How Polymathian uses Amazon ECS Anywhere to optimize underground mine production in near real time

The complexity inherent to operating a successful underground mine is easily missed by those who have never visited one—after all, the sprawling maze of tunnels and workings are hidden deep below the Earth’s surface. These mines are often located in geographically remote areas, making it difficult to get personnel and equipment onsite at short notice, […]

The Retail Race A Roadmap for Implementing a Smart Store Strategy_feature card

The Retail Race: A Roadmap for Implementing a Smart Store Strategy

Retailers have always been in a race to deliver an exceptional customer experience, and in the digital age, that race has only become more intense—particularly in physical stores. With consumers shopping again at brick-and-mortar stores, some key trends have emerged: Half of retail customers intend to still use digital, mobile, self-service, and contactless technologies adopted […]

Highlights from the AWS Life Sciences Executive Symposium 2023: Unlocking access to and insights from data

On May 15, we hosted the AWS Life Sciences Executive Symposium in Boston, where I led the track on ‘unlocking access to and insights from data’. Over 300 life sciences executives from across 100 organizations attended this half-day, in-person event to explore how they can drive innovation through robust data foundations and machine learning (ML) […]

Highlights from the AWS Life Sciences Executive Symposium 2023: Accelerating Pharma Drug Discovery with ML and Generative AI

On May 15, we hosted the AWS Life Sciences Executive Symposium in Boston, where I led our track on ‘accelerating pharma drug discovery with Machine Learning (ML)’. Over 300 life sciences executives from across 100 organizations attended this half-day, in-person event to explore how they can drive innovation through robust data foundations and machine learning […]