AWS for Industries

Tag: #healthcare

Build a medical image analysis pipeline on Amazon SageMaker using the MONAI framework

Medical imaging has transformed healthcare in a way that allows clinicians to identify diseases, make better diagnosis, and dramatically improve patient outcomes. Digital medical images have several modalities including ultrasound, X-ray, computed tomography (CT) scans and magnetic-resonance imaging (MRI) scans, positron emission tomography (PET) scans, retinal photography, histology slides, and dermoscopy images. Recent developments in […]

Creating a Hands-Free Voice Assistant at Houston Methodist with AWS

Hospital systems are dynamic, fast-paced, and challenging environments to manage. There are vastly different areas from emergency departments to walk-in clinics, where seamless, secure, and efficient interactions must occur in order to achieve optimal patient satisfaction, care delivery, staff productivity, and the utmost safety. Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems and other Healthcare Information Technology (HIT) […]

Whitepaper: Genomics Data Transfer, Analytics, and Machine Learning using AWS Services

AWS Genomics has released a new whitepaper, Genomics Data Transfer, Analytics, and Machine Learning using AWS Services, that provides essential information and guidance on how to build a Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) platform using AWS services, from instrument to interpretation. Accompanying the new whitepaper are three solutions, developed based on feedback from AWS life science […]

Make the most of AWS re:Invent 2020 – Healthcare Attendee Guide

AWS re:Invent routinely fills several Las Vegas venues with standing-room only crowds, but we are bringing it to you with an all-virtual and free event this year. This year’s conference is gearing up to be our biggest yet and we have an exciting program planned with five keynotes, 18 leadership sessions, and over 500 breakout […]

Enabling efficient patient care using Amazon AI services

Artificial intelligence can speed up the development of new drug development, be a bridge to personalized medicine using the information of our genomes, and help address the problem of a chronic shortage of doctors (especially in countries where health services are underdeveloped). However, significant challenges remain before we can get there. The challenge The application […]

Building multilingual SMS chatbot campaigns to support COVID-19 patients remotely

The expansion of laboratory tests for COVID-19 have provided health systems with tools to screen for the coronavirus in their community. While some patients have tested positive for COVID-19 and were well enough to manage their symptoms and recover at home, healthcare providers have been challenged with identifying individuals who have waited longer than advisable […]

Predicting all-cause patient readmission risk using AWS data lake and machine learning

It’s no secret that hospital readmissions impact patient outcomes and the financial health of healthcare providers globally. Specifically in the United States, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) shows that readmissions are some of the costliest episodes to treat, with costs reaching in excess of $41.3B. Hospitals and healthcare providers are looking for […]

Leveraging healthcare chatbots at your digital front door

Innovations in industries like retail, communication, transportation, and entertainment, have forever changed customer expectations. Information and services can now be accessed immediately from nearly any device in any location. For healthcare, this means patients want new ways to conveniently and quickly access care… and taking their business elsewhere if those needs are not met. In […]

Global OHDSI COVID-19 Study-A-Thon Produces Important Insights

What happens when a pandemic cancels your annual scientific meeting? You improvise. The Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI, pronounced “odyssey”) community planned to celebrate recent research initiatives and discuss future efforts during the annual European Symposium at Oxford University in late March. COVID-19 had other plans. Opting to flatten the curve, symposium organizers […]

How natural language processing can uncover value from unreachable data in the modern medical ecosystem

The Dark Data Problem Up to 80% of your organization’s medical patient data is untapped, undervalued, or unused Imagine walking into a physician’s office for a checkup. As you describe some pain you’ve been having in your left knee, the doctor barely looks up from the screen as she clatters away on the keyboard, taking […]