The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: *Post Types

How to update changing certificate requirements with AWS IoT Core

NOTE: This post covers an important announcement related to renewal of Symantec Server Intermediate Certificate Authority (ICA) and an upcoming switch of AWS IoT Core – control plane endpoints and newly supported AWS IoT Core customer endpoints to TLS1.2 specification. Overview In this post, we discuss upcoming changes to Symantec Server Intermediate Certificate Authority (ICA) […]

Calculating Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) with AWS IoT SiteWise

Introduction This blog post represents the second entry in a series on using Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) with AWS IoT SiteWise. In this post, we will do a deep dive on how to calculate OEE using AWS IoT SiteWise native capabilities to collect, store, transform, and display calculations as an end-to-end solution. We will look […]

How to get started with the new disconnected duration metric in AWS IoT Device Defender

Introduction The new disconnected duration metric in AWS IoT Device Defender now provides AWS IoT Device Defender Detect customers the ability to monitor Internet of Things (IoT) device connectivity status and duration of disconnection. Until now, customers had to rely on custom self-managed solutions, using AWS Lambda or Amazon CloudWatch, and Connect/Disconnect event messages from […]

Design considerations for cost-effective video surveillance platforms with AWS IoT for Smart Homes

Introduction Designing and developing a cost-efficient, cloud-connected video platform for surveillance cameras and smart home devices require developers to architect and integrate a streaming service capable of ingesting, storing, and processing unstructured media data at scale. The infrastructure behind such a platform needs to handle large volumes of predicated data load along with the flexibility […]

Securing modern Connected Vehicle platforms with AWS IoT

AWS is excited to announce new and updated architectural guidance and design patterns for securing modern Connected Vehicle platforms with AWS IoT. You can find updated guidance for modernization in the complementary blog, Building and Modernizing Connected Vehicle Platforms with AWS IoT. Connected Vehicle platforms provide connectivity to cloud resources, enabling the automotive industry and […]

Building and Modernizing Connected Vehicle platforms with AWS IoT

Introduction AWS is excited to announce new and updated architectural guidance and design patterns for modernizing and building Connected Vehicle platforms with AWS IoT. Today, automotive manufacturers (OEMs) are differentiating their portfolios, not just by the hardware and specs they offer, but also by the innovative, software-driven connectivity features they provide. With vehicle connectivity and […]

Deploying and benchmarking YOLOv8 on GPU-based edge devices using AWS IoT Greengrass

Introduction Customers in manufacturing, logistics, and energy sectors often have stringent requirements for needing to run machine learning (ML) models at the edge. Some of these requirements include low-latency processing, poor or no connectivity to the internet, and data security. For these customers, running ML processes at the edge offers many advantages over running them […]

Automate application deployment to IoT devices using AWS IoT Device Management

Introduction The Internet of Things (IoT) industry is trending towards devices that are compatible with the latest standards, interfaces, and protocols. To remain competitive, device manufacturers have to release new features, perform system updates, and deploy security patches in a timely manner. Software applications have long been using automated continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines […]

Importing historical equipment data into AWS IoT SiteWise

Introduction AWS IoT SiteWise is a managed service that helps customers collect, store, organize and monitor data from their industrial equipment at scale. Customers often need to bring their historical equipment measurement data from existing systems such as data historians and time series databases into AWS IoT SiteWise for ensuring data continuity, training artificial intelligence […]

Orchestrate NVIDIA Isaac Sim and ROS 2 Navigation on AWS RoboMaker with a public container image

Introduction High-fidelity simulation is increasingly important during the development of robots and robotic applications. Virtual environments with photo-realistic objects, and robot models with accurate physics are essential for developing and testing robots that perform reliably on sophisticated tasks in the physical world.  Setting up a high-fidelity simulation, training, and testing environment, however, poses challenges. Installing […]