AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Amazon Bedrock

Build an internal SaaS service with cost and usage tracking for foundation models on Amazon Bedrock

In this post, we show you how to build an internal SaaS layer to access foundation models with Amazon Bedrock in a multi-tenant (team) architecture. We specifically focus on usage and cost tracking per tenant and also controls such as usage throttling per tenant. We describe how the solution and Amazon Bedrock consumption plans map to the general SaaS journey framework. The code for the solution and an AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) template is available in the GitHub repository.

Knowledge Bases overview

Automate the insurance claim lifecycle using Agents and Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock

Generative AI agents are a versatile and powerful tool for large enterprises. They can enhance operational efficiency, customer service, and decision-making while reducing costs and enabling innovation. These agents excel at automating a wide range of routine and repetitive tasks, such as data entry, customer support inquiries, and content generation. Moreover, they can orchestrate complex, […]

Getting started with Amazon Titan Text Embeddings in Amazon Bedrock

Embeddings play a key role in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML). Text embedding refers to the process of transforming text into numerical representations that reside in a high-dimensional vector space. This technique is achieved through the use of ML algorithms that enable the understanding of the meaning and context of data (semantic […]

Build a movie chatbot for TV/OTT platforms using Retrieval Augmented Generation in Amazon Bedrock

In this post, we show you how to securely create a movie chatbot by implementing RAG with your own data using Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock. We use the IMDb and Box Office Mojo dataset to simulate a catalog for media and entertainment customers and showcase how you can build your own RAG solution in just a couple of steps.

How Mendix is transforming customer experiences with generative AI and Amazon Bedrock

This post was co-written with Ricardo Perdigao, Solution Architecture Manager at Mendix, a Siemens business. Mendix, a Siemens business, offers the low-code platform with the vision and execution designed for today’s complex software development challenges. Since 2005, we’ve helped thousands of organizations worldwide reimagine how they develop applications with our platform’s cutting-edge capabilities. Mendix allows […]

Talk to your slide deck using multimodal foundation models hosted on Amazon Bedrock and Amazon SageMaker – Part 1

With the advent of generative AI, today’s foundation models (FMs), such as the large language models (LLMs) Claude 2 and Llama 2, can perform a range of generative tasks such as question answering, summarization, and content creation on text data. However, real-world data exists in multiple modalities, such as text, images, video, and audio. Take […]

Build enterprise-ready generative AI solutions with Cohere foundation models in Amazon Bedrock and Weaviate vector database on AWS Marketplace

This post discusses how enterprises can build accurate, transparent, and secure generative AI applications while keeping full control over proprietary data. The proposed solution is a RAG pipeline using an AI-native technology stack, whose components are designed from the ground up with AI at their core, rather than having AI capabilities added as an afterthought. We demonstrate how to build an end-to-end RAG application using Cohere’s language models through Amazon Bedrock and a Weaviate vector database on AWS Marketplace.

Build financial search applications using the Amazon Bedrock Cohere multilingual embedding model

Enterprises have access to massive amounts of data, much of which is difficult to discover because the data is unstructured. Conventional approaches to analyzing unstructured data use keyword or synonym matching. They don’t capture the full context of a document, making them less effective in dealing with unstructured data. In contrast, text embeddings use machine […]

Generating value from enterprise data: Best practices for Text2SQL and generative AI

Generative AI has opened up a lot of potential in the field of AI. We are seeing numerous uses, including text generation, code generation, summarization, translation, chatbots, and more. One such area that is evolving is using natural language processing (NLP) to unlock new opportunities for accessing data through intuitive SQL queries. Instead of dealing […]

Deploy foundation models with Amazon SageMaker, iterate and monitor with TruEra

This blog is co-written with Josh Reini, Shayak Sen and Anupam Datta from TruEra Amazon SageMaker JumpStart provides a variety of pretrained foundation models such as Llama-2 and Mistal 7B that can be quickly deployed to an endpoint. These foundation models perform well with generative tasks, from crafting text and summaries, answering questions, to producing […]