AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Amazon SageMaker

Deploy large models on Amazon SageMaker using DJLServing and DeepSpeed model parallel inference

The last few years have seen rapid development in the field of natural language processing (NLP). Although hardware has improved, such as with the latest generation of accelerators from NVIDIA and Amazon, advanced machine learning (ML) practitioners still regularly encounter issues deploying their large language models. Today, we announce new capabilities in Amazon SageMaker that […]

Use ADFS OIDC as the IdP for an Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth private workforce

To train a machine learning (ML) model, you need a large, high-quality, labeled dataset. Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth helps you build high-quality training datasets for your ML models. With Ground Truth, you can use workers from either Amazon Mechanical Turk, a vendor company of your choosing, or an internal, private workforce to enable you to […]

How Amp on Amazon used data to increase customer engagement, Part 2: Building a personalized show recommendation platform using Amazon SageMaker

Amp is a new live radio app from Amazon. With Amp, you can host your own radio show and play songs from the Amazon Music catalog, or tune in and listen to shows other Amp users are hosting. In an environment where content is plentiful and diverse, it’s important to tailor the user experience to […]

How Amp on Amazon used data to increase customer engagement, Part 1: Building a data analytics platform

Amp, the new live radio app from Amazon, is a reinvention of radio featuring human-curated live audio shows. It’s designed to provide a seamless customer experience to listeners and creators by debuting interactive live audio shows from your favorite artists, radio DJs, podcasters, and friends. However, as a new product in a new space for […]

Transfer learning for TensorFlow image classification models in Amazon SageMaker

July 2023: You can also use the newly launched JumpStart APIs, an extension of the SageMaker Python SDK. These APIs allow you to programmatically deploy and fine-tune a vast selection of JumpStart-supported pre-trained models on your own datasets. Please refer to Amazon SageMaker JumpStart models and algorithms now available via API for more details on how […]

Learn how Amazon SageMaker Clarify helps detect bias

Bias detection in data and model outcomes is a fundamental requirement for building responsible artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) models. Unfortunately, detecting bias isn’t an easy task for the vast majority of practitioners due to the large number of ways in which it can be measured and different factors that can contribute to […]

Use Amazon SageMaker pipeline sharing to view or manage pipelines across AWS accounts

On August 9, 2022, we announced the general availability of cross-account sharing of Amazon SageMaker Pipelines entities. You can now use cross-account support for Amazon SageMaker Pipelines to share pipeline entities across AWS accounts and access shared pipelines directly through Amazon SageMaker API calls. Customers are increasingly adopting multi-account architectures for deploying and managing machine […]

Explore Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler capabilities with sample datasets

Data preparation is the process of collecting, cleaning, and transforming raw data to make it suitable for insight extraction through machine learning (ML) and analytics. Data preparation is crucial for ML and analytics pipelines. Your model and insights will only be as reliable as the data you use for training them. Flawed data will produce […]

Run image segmentation with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

In December 2020, AWS announced the general availability of Amazon SageMaker JumpStart, a capability of Amazon SageMaker that helps you quickly and easily get started with machine learning (ML). JumpStart provides one-click fine-tuning and deployment of a wide variety of pre-trained models across popular ML tasks, as well as a selection of end-to-end solutions that […]

Achieve low-latency hosting for decision tree-based ML models on NVIDIA Triton Inference Server on Amazon SageMaker

Machine learning (ML) model deployments can have very demanding performance and latency requirements for businesses today. Use cases such as fraud detection and ad placement are examples where milliseconds matter and are critical to business success. Strict service level agreements (SLAs) need to be met, and a typical request may require multiple steps such as […]