AWS Machine Learning Blog

Create a translator chatbot using Amazon Translate and Amazon Lex

In this post, I create an intent in Amazon Lex for a translation action. This intent prompts the user for a source and target language, for example English to Spanish, followed by a text string to translate. Users are free to switch languages at any time during the interaction with Amazon Lex. The solution in the following illustration makes full use of Serverless Computing technologies to enable seamless scaling to thousands of users without the need for further engineering effort.

New speed record set for training deep learning models on AWS, a research lab dedicated to making deep learning more accessible, has announced that they successfully trained the ResNet-50 deep learning model on a million images in 18 minutes using 16 Amazon EC2 P3.16xlarge instances. They accomplished this milestone by spending just $40. This new speed record illustrates how you can drastically cut down the training times for deep learning models, enabling you to bring your innovations to market faster and at a lower cost.

Managing your expenses with Amazon Lex

This is a guest post by Rob Whelan, Solutions Architect at Relus Cloud. When people ask me what impact artificial intelligence (AI) will have in the enterprise, I like to say that AI will relieve people from doing repetitive things. We’re not wired to do mindless tasks over and over—but computers are. That’s why self-driving […]

Forecasting financial time series with dynamic deep learning on AWS

In this post, I will show you how to develop an original RNN (Recurrent Neural Network) deep learning algorithm to forecast time series based on the past trends of multiple factors, taking advantage of Amazon SageMaker (using Bring-Your-Own-Algorithm). Amazon SageMaker is a fully-managed machine learning platform that enables data scientists and developers to quickly and easily build and train machine learning models into production applications, at scale. It enables you to use both built-in algorithms, built-in frameworks, and also import custom code via Docker containers.

Build a model to predict the impact of weather on urban air quality using Amazon SageMaker

Air pollution in cities can be an acute problem leading to damaging effects on people, animals, plants and property. It is an important topic which is getting increased attention as the human population of cities continues to increase. This year it was the subject the 2018 KDD Cup, the annual data mining and knowledge discovery […]

TINT uses Amazon Comprehend to find and aggregate the best social media content for customers

TINT is a simple, DIY platform that helps brands find, curate, and display their most effective customer-generated content from social media on marketing channels such as websites, mobile apps, and event displays. Businesses can link their Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and RSS feeds to their TINT accounts The social media aggregator uses machine learning […]

Aella Credit empowers underbanked individuals by using Amazon Rekognition for identity verification

Aella Credit is a financial services company based in West Africa that provides instant loans to individuals with a verifiable source of income in emerging markets by using biometric and employer data. For those in emerging markets, identity verification and validation is one of the major challenges for people who don’t have easy access to […]

Deploy a TensorFlow trained image classification model to AWS DeepLens

April 2023 Update: Starting January 31, 2024, you will no longer be able to access AWS DeepLens through the AWS management console, manage DeepLens devices, or access any projects you have created. To learn more, refer to these frequently asked questions about AWS DeepLens end of life. We are very excited to announce that you can […]

Build an automatic alert system to easily moderate content at scale with Amazon Rekognition Video

There has been a steep increase in people creating videos, spending time watching videos, and sharing videos. Most of the videos created today are user-generated content, but publishing this raw content comes with risk. To help ensure a positive website experience for customers by removing inappropriate or unwanted content, companies need a scalable content moderation […]

Announcing the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Hackathon: Build Intelligent Applications using machine learning APIs and serverless

Amazon Web Services (AWS) brings image and video analysis, natural language processing, speech recognition, text-to-speech, and machine translation within the reach of every developer. With machine learning (ML) services by AWS, you can plug in prebuilt AI functionality into your apps without having to worry about ML models. Thousands of developers have used Amazon ML […]