AWS for M&E Blog

Tag: SRT

AWS Elemental Live SRT outputs configuration and workflows

Introduction AWS Elemental Live version 2.21 introduced support for ingesting transport stream (TS) inputs using SRT. Now, version 2.22 supports delivering TS outputs using SRT. The SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) protocol is an open-source transport technology optimized for live audio/video streaming. SRT enables secure and reliable transport of content across unpredictable, noisy networks, such as […]

Getting started with SRT inputs in AWS Elemental Live

What is SRT? Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) is an open source video transport protocol, originally developed by Haivision, that optimizes video streaming performance. It includes a technology package and protocol that connect two endpoints to deliver low latency video across unreliable networks. It is designed to deliver superior video quality over unreliable networks and survive minor network […]

Introducing AWS Elemental MediaConnect inputs for AWS Elemental Live appliances

AWS Elemental Live 2.21.2 GA introduces a new input type for use with AWS Elemental MediaConnect that makes it easier to securely and reliably ingest content. In this article, I review use cases where MediaConnect inputs are helpful, and show how to configure both MediaConnect and Elemental Live to utilize this capability. This new input type […]

AWS Elemental MediaConnect adds SRT to its list of high-availability protocols

AWS Elemental MediaConnect provides reliable, secure live video transport using protocols like Zixi, Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST), and Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) with forward error correction (FEC). Now MediaConnect has added another protocol to the list with support for SRT. SRT, which stands for Secure Reliable Transport, is a highly reliable, low-latency video streaming transport protocol. […]