AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

How to secure your email account and improve email sender reputation

How to secure your email account and improve email sender reputation Introduction Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is a cost-effective, flexible, and scalable email service that enables customers to send email from within any application. You can send email using the SES SMTP interface or via HTTP requests to the SES API. All requests […]

Deploy Amazon QuickSight dashboard for Amazon Pinpoint engagement events.

Abstract Business intelligence (BI) dashboards provide a graphical representation of metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor the health of your business. By leveraging BI dashboards to analyze the performance of your customer communications, you gain valuable insights into how they are engaging with your messages and can make data-driven decisions to improve your […]

Improve email delivery rates with email delivery and engagement history for every email

Email is a ubiquitous way to reach customers, whether to stay in touch, offer new services, or inform customers of product changes or transaction status. Amazon Simple Email Service helps customers send hundreds of billions of emails each month, and now offers more tools to improve email delivery rates and explore campaign success. SES’ Virtual […]

Amazon SES

Migrating to a cloud ESP: How to onboard to Amazon SES

Amazon SES: Email remains a powerful tool for businesses, whether for marketing campaigns, transactional notifications, or other communications. Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is a cloud email service provider that can integrate into any application for bulk email sending. Amazon SES is an email service that supports a variety of deployments like transactional emails, […]

10DLC Registration Best Practices to Send SMS with Amazon Pinpoint

What is 10DLC? Ten-Digit Long Code, or more commonly shortened as 10DLC, is intended specifically for sending Application-to-Person (A2P) SMS in the United States only. If you don’t send text messages to recipients in the US, then 10DLC doesn’t apply to you. 10DLC was designed to cover the volume and throughput middle ground between toll-free […]

Amazon Pinpoint 10DLC Campaign Types and Quotas for SMS

The following 10DLC Campaigns, or, Use Cases outlined in Table 2 are currently supported by Amazon Pinpoint. As part of the process to register for sending SMS to US based phone numbers you must select at least one Campaign that will be associated with the 10DLC number you procure. If you require more than one […]

How to Send SMS Using Configuration Sets with Amazon Pinpoint

In a previous blog post we walked through how to manage opt-outs for SMS in Amazon Pinpoint using the V2 SMS and Voice API. The post detailed a scenario where a user needed to manage multiple use-cases such as marketing and One-Time Password (OTP) or Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). This works great if all of your […]

Amazon Simple Email Service adds email delivery features to revised free tier

On August 1st, 2023, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) will launch a revised, more flexible free tier that allows AWS customers to try more SES features without commitment or cost. SES customers will be able to send or receive up to 3,000 messages each month for a year after they begin using SES, free of […]

Architecture diagram of the solution: new templates in Amazon SES are created by a Lambda function accessed through API Gateway. THe Lambda function reads and writes HTML from S3 and reads and writes metadata from DynamoDB.

How quirion created nested email templates using Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)

This is part two of the two-part guest series on extending Simple Email Services with advanced functionality. Find part one here. quirion, founded in 2013, is an award-winning German robo-advisor with more than 1 billion Euro under management. At quirion, we send out five thousand emails a day to more than 60,000 customers. Managing many […]

How quirion sends attachments using email templates with Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)

This is part one of the two-part guest series on extending Simple Email Services with advanced functionality. Find part two here. Update: The TestRenderEmailTemplate API used to send emails with attachments has a limit of 1 operation per second. If your expected peak traffic is higher than this, the solution demonstrated in this case study may […]