Front-End Web & Mobile

Category: AWS Amplify

6 New AWS Amplify Launches for Frontend Developers

Today, the AWS Amplify team has six brand new launches to share with you — all addressing common requests from our community. In this post, we’ll share improvements to our documentation site, Next.js 14 support, custom authentication providers, React Native social sign in, and UI components. New documentation site Head over to to check […]

Amplify Hosting Wildcard Subdomains

Wildcard Subdomains for Multi-tenant Apps on AWS Amplify Hosting

AWS Amplify Hosting is excited to announce the general availability of wildcard subdomains when using a custom domain with your Amplify application. This is critical for developers that are building personalized user experiences in their Software as a Service (SaaS) or multi-tenant platforms. This new capability is available for any application deployed to Amplify Hosting […]

Building fast Next.js apps using TypeScript and AWS Amplify JavaScript v6

We are excited to announce the general availability of v6 of the AWS Amplify JavaScript Library. This release has many of the most asked for improvements and features that you, our community, have been asking for. This release provides substantial reductions to bundle size, improved TypeScript coverage and typing support, secure runtime token support, and […]

Modern Tooling for Your Website using AWS, Contentful, and Next.js

Modern Tooling for Your Website using AWS, Contentful & Next.js In this tutorial, we’ll build a blog website from beginning to end with an A-level Lighthouse performance scale and low maintenance friction. I’ll show you how to store your content with a Contentful model, access the content from a Next.js app and deploy the Next.js […]

AWS Amplify UI: 10 new and updated components

The AWS Amplify UI team is introducing eight brand new React user interface components and two improved components to help you build feature-rich apps for your end users. In this post, we’ll highlight the new components and how you can use them in a project. Amplify UI is a component library with both cloud connected […]

Connect a React app to GraphQL and DynamoDB with AWS CDK and Amplify

Today, we’re excited to announce the official AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) construct for Amplify’s GraphQL APIs capabilities. With Amplify’s GraphQL API CDK construct, you can create a real-time GraphQL API backed by data sources such as Amazon DynamoDB tables or AWS Lambda functions using a single GraphQL schema definition. (View on Construct Hub) Launching […]

Featured image for Amplify JS v6 dev preview announcement

AWS Amplify JavaScript’s NEW developer preview with reduced bundle size, improved TypeScript and Next.js support

Today, we are excited to unveil the v6 Developer Preview of the AWS Amplify JavaScript Library. This is a milestone release that we believe will improve the way you approach web development with your AWS cloud backend. We have been listening to your feedback, and today’s announcement addresses some of the most significant bundle size, […]

Build a Conversational AI app to Interact with AWS using AWS Amplify

Developing a conversational application involves multiple complex components, such as authentication workflows, API interfaces, data management, and intent fulfilment business logic. These elements can be challenging to integrate and set up properly, especially for developers who are new to building conversational applications or who may not have extensive experience with AWS services. This blog post […]

Detect real users with AWS Amplify and Face Liveness

In the world of spoofing and bad actors, AWS Amplify and the Amplify UI FaceLivenessDetector component can help you verify if your app is being used by real users. This connected component library is powered by Amazon Rekognition Face Liveness feature. No machine learning or artificial intelligence (AI) experience is needed. This fully managed feature […]

NextJs on Amplify

SSG vs SSR in Next.js Web Applications: Choosing the Right Rendering Approach

Next.js, a popular React framework, has changed the way developers build modern web applications. It offers powerful features, such as Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG), which optimize your application’s performance and user experience. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key differences between SSG and SSR, their advantages, when to choose one […]