Microsoft Workloads on AWS

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How to migrate legacy IIS-based applications to new versions of Windows Server without refactoring using AWS EMP

Many organizations have legacy Internet Information Services (IIS) based applications that run on Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2008 R2. These versions of Windows Server are no longer supported and customers are looking into ways to migrate these legacy applications onto modern Windows Server and IIS-based versions without having to rewrite the application. The AWS EMP tooling provides the necessary tools to migrate an IIS 6.0, 7.0, and 7.5 based application and any other application dependencies the IIS website may have onto a modern, secure, and supported Windows Server version

Using Datadog observability features to facilitate modernizing .NET applications on AWS

Using Datadog observability features to facilitate modernizing .NET applications on AWS

By Thomas Sobolik – Technical Content Writer at Datadog       Maxim Brown – Team Lead, Technical Content Editor at Datadog       Charlie Shen – Sr. Partner Solutions Architect at AWS Modernization of .NET applications is often a meticulous process, and it benefits greatly by having full visibility into the applications’ behavior. Datadog, […]

Generating CI/CD Pipelines for Containerized ASP.NET Applications using AWS App2Container

Every day, companies are running legacy applications on top of highly scalable container architectures such as Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Services (Amazon EKS). These legacy applications, many of them Windows-based, can be difficult for companies to manage and often need a heavy infrastructure lift to maintain. Because many legacy […]

Managing Windows and SQL Server Licensing Costs as you Migrate to AWS

By Avinash Upadhyaya, Sr. Product Manager Technical According to a report published by Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), 80% of remaining on-premises workloads across the globe will be cloud candidates over the next five years. As companies continue to move these critical applications to the cloud, they face the decision to continue using their existing vendor […]

Implementing security notifications for end user activity on Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

Security is job zero at AWS. Logging end user access to customer data is a key component of many customers’ internal security policies and compliance needs. End user access audit logs can be used to conduct periodic security audits and forensic investigations for security incidents. However, customers often need to learn about potentially anomalous behavior […]

Containerizing Complex Multi-tier Windows Applications using AWS App2Container

Many enterprises want to rapidly containerize and migrate their existing legacy applications to the cloud. That’s why AWS launched AWS App2Container in June 2020, a service that helps customers containerize ASP.NET and Java applications without making any code changes. App2Container allows customers to easily containerize and deploy an existing application to Amazon Elastic Container Service […]


Venerable accelerates growth by modernizing its Mainframes on AWS

Venerable was formed as the result of a divestiture from a large US insurance business in 2018. As a new company, Venerable adopted a cloud-first strategy, which meant zero investment in establishing a mainframe infrastructure. Venerable needed to modernize a core business application for managing agent commissions. This mainframe application was known as the Agent […]

How Biteable went from 0 to 200,000 videos a month by migrating to AWS

Biteable was growing too quickly for its physical hardware to handle, and the company needed a solution—and fast. The startup, which provides video creation technology to get customer messages into motion, had run its video rendering software on premises. There, it had run into issues as their physical infrastructure struggled to handle fluctuating traffic. The […]

Why you should modernize legacy .NET applications on AWS (and how we can help)

Many organizations have legacy .NET Framework applications that they want to modernize to gain the agility, scalability, and cost savings of cloud-native technologies. One of the most effective ways to modernize .NET Framework applications is to move them to .NET on Linux runtimes, such as .NET Core on Linux or .NET 5. Moving to Linux […]

How Cloudsoft helped ASP modernize MS SQL Server workloads to Amazon Aurora to save costs and reduce operational overhead

 By Aled Sage – VP Engineering at Cloudsoft       Prasad Rao – Sr. Partner Solutions Architect at AWS ASP, an industry leading event website business, needed to modernize its Microsoft SQL Server-based Content Management System (CMS). As the company continued to evolve and grow, so did its data. ASP’s Showoff application, which provides […]