Microsoft Workloads on AWS

Category: Thought Leadership

Integrate multiple Microsoft Entra ID tenants with AWS IAM Identity Center

In this blog post, we will guide you through configuring cross-tenant synchronization with multiple Microsoft Entra ID tenants using AWS IAM Identity Center. By following the steps outlined in this post, you can simplify access to your Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources while enabling collaboration efforts between Entra ID tenants within your organization. Background Organizations […]

Reduce Microsoft SQL Server licensing costs with AWS Compute Optimizer

In this blog post, we explore a new capability of AWS Compute Optimizer that generates Microsoft SQL Server licensing recommendations. AWS Compute Optimizer has the capability to provide customers running Microsoft SQL Server on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) with licensing cost optimization recommendations, which can, result in significant SQL Server licensing cost savings. […]

It’s end of support time again. Are your Microsoft Windows Servers secure?

With the upcoming end of support for Microsoft Windows Server 2012/2012 R2 on October 10, 2023, and the ongoing challenges faced by those on Windows Server 2008/2008 R2, many organizations find themselves in a delicate position. Transitioning away from these older versions isn’t always straightforward. Some organizations are running third-party software that is not yet […]

Scaling SQL Server performance beyond 1M transactions per minute with Amazon FSx

In this blog post, we introduce a strategy for scaling Microsoft SQL Server deployments on Amazon Web Services (AWS) that uses Amazon FSx, a service that provides fully managed, high-performance file systems in the cloud. This strategy increases SQL Server performance on AWS, providing 2 to 3 times as many Transactions per Minute (TPM) as […]

Explore Licensing Options for Your Microsoft Workloads on AWS

Exploring licensing options for your Microsoft workloads on AWS

Migrating your Microsoft workloads to the cloud requires a well-thought-out licensing strategy. AWS offers various ways to support your licensing needs and help you understand the options. Whether you aim to lower costs, enhance security, or improve the price-performance of your applications, AWS has three options to ensure you meet your objectives. The infographic illustrates […]

Integrating SAMBA 4 Active Directory with AWS IAM Identity Center

In this blog post, we will show you how to integrate an LDAP open-source solution with AWS IAM Identity Center leveraging either AWS Managed Active Directory or Active Directory Connector. Introduction Microsoft Active Directory has been a widely used identity management solution in Windows networks for decades. It delivers authentication and access protocols, such as […]

Optimize your cloud costs for Microsoft workloads in uncertain times

Optimize your cloud costs for Microsoft workloads in uncertain times

IT and business decision makers are looking for cost savings wherever they can amid uncertain economic times. Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) unique hardware capabilities and cloud architecture, along with our flexible approach to managing Microsoft technology, offer significant opportunities to optimize costs. Many customers run their Microsoft workloads on AWS because AWS offers exceptional performance […]

A guide to optimizing Microsoft licensing on AWS

As more businesses move their enterprise workloads to the cloud, optimizing costs has become a top priority for them. Licensing is one of the most significant costs associated with running your Microsoft workloads on Amazon Web Services (AWS). In this blog post, I will discuss seven specific optimization strategies you can implement to help you […]

Do AWS customers benefit from 64KB block size for SQL Server storage?

In this blog post, we will share results of Microsoft SQL Server performance testing using Amazon FSx for Windows File Server (Amazon FSx) and Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) with block sizes in the range of 16 KB to 64 KB to prove or disprove the common opinion that SQL Server requires 64KB block […]

Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL Performance Testing Results

In this blog post, I will share results for Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL performance testing using the HammerDB database benchmarking tool. Based upon the results of testing various Aurora for PostgreSQL clusters hosting Babelfish, I will also provide recommendations on the optimal instance selection from the price-performance viewpoint. This blog post concludes with a summary […]