AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Enterprise Strategy

Estimating Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for modernizing workloads on AWS using Containerization – Part 1

Introduction When you migrate your on-premises applications to the cloud, you can use a cloud migration strategy. AWS supports the seven most common migration strategies, “The 7 Rs”. Which approach makes sense for a specific workload is situational and depends on that organization’s business drivers and strategy. Understanding the total cost of ownership (TCO) is […]

Transitioning from Migration to Modernization on the Cloud

Introduction Migrating to cloud is the first step in modernizing the IT landscape. By completing the migration, the enterprise is laying the foundation for a more modern, agile, and secure IT environment. However, in many organizations, the initial momentum built during migration often slows down and leads to a stall. The true potential of cloud […]

Migrate a WordPress Blog from Azure to AWS using AWS Application Migration Service

Introduction In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking new ways to enhance their operations, optimize costs, and leverage the benefits of cloud computing. As organizations evolve, they often find themselves needing to migrate their virtual machines (VMs) from one cloud provider to another, such as moving from Azure or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) […]

Streamlining AWS Application Migration Service Replication Agent deployment using MGN connector

AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN) is AWS’s recommended service for migrations to AWS. It simplifies and expedites migrating your source servers from physical, virtual, or cloud infrastructure platforms to run natively on AWS. Over the last year, we’ve shared with you several major updates to the MGN service, focusing on offering customers more ways […]

Manage migrations to multiple AWS Accounts using AWS Application Migration Service (MGN) and AWS Organizations

Many customers have successfully migrated on-premises or cloud-based applications to AWS using the AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN). Customers commonly migrate their applications to a number of different AWS Accounts that are part of an AWS Organization, in line with the best practices of establishing a multi-account AWS environment. When using AWS MGN, the […]

Accelerating large-scale cloud migrations with repeatable patterns

Many Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers initiate large-scale cloud migrations to achieve specific business outcomes. The reasons for migration include consolidating or vacating data centres, adopting a cloud-first strategy, increasing agility and staff productivity, and reducing the total cost of ownership for IT. Using repeatable patterns for migrating workloads are a great way to jumpstart […]

How World Kinect Corporation migrated their Oracle E-Business Suite Applications to AWS

Contributions from Paul Wright, Leader in Database and middleware Services at World Kinect Corporation  Introduction With the advancement in maturity and breadth of cloud solutions, an increasing number of enterprises are choosing to embark on migrating their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to the cloud. ERP systems sit at the heart of many digital transformation initiatives because […]

Automate migrated servers to automatically join an Active Directory domain using AWS Application Migration service and AWS Systems Manager

AWS Application Migration Service (MGN) simplifies and expedites your migration to AWS by automatically converting your source servers from physical, virtual, or cloud infrastructure to run natively on AWS. The post-launch actions feature in MGN allow you to control and automate actions performed after your servers have been launched in AWS. You can use predefined […]

Organizational culture for Cloud Adoption

Maximize Cloud Adoption Benefits with a Well-Architected Organizational Culture

Organizational culture, often described as the “personality” of an organization, determines how people work, interact, and respond to change and challenges. There is strong recognition, supported by evidence, that an organization’s culture is a powerful determinant of transformation success. Culture’s impact is magnified in cloud transformation, where the cloud’s extraordinary capabilities are limited only by […]

Achieve testing success with the AWS Application Migration Service for painless and simplified cut-overs

Many customers utilize the AWS Application Migration Service to rehost their environments to AWS. A crucial aspect of testing for successful migration involves identifying dependencies on shared services. Connectivity to Microsoft Active Directory, integrations with other services and backup servers could cause unexpected behaviors during your testing and cut-over. This blog post will focus on […]