AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Advanced (300)

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Enhancing workload observability using Amazon CloudWatch Embedded Metric Format

Builders who run their workloads on AWS have many needs. In order to best serve their own customers, they need access to a reliable platform on which to run those workloads. They need flexible compute options, scalable data storage, and robust networking. They must make their workloads both scalable and highly available. Builders also desire […]

Remediate drift via resource import with AWS CloudFormation

When it comes to restaurants, consistency is key. Being able to create a salad once is simple, but being able to recreate the exact salad multiple times tends to be more difficult. Little variances between them may cause issues, like too much or not enough salad dressing, ruining the balance of the composed salad. Infrastructure […]

How to execute Chef recipes using AWS Systems Manager

It’s exciting to see how many AWS customers are taking advantage of AWS Systems Manager to manage and deploy infrastructure configuration at scale. I have previously blogged about the benefits of using AWS Systems Manager with configuration management tools, including Ansible and Salt. Recent improvements to the configuration management functionality, has made the service even […]

Building a fully automated Dow Jones Asset Tracking System on AWS

Dow Jones is a global provider of news and business information, delivering content to consumers and organizations around the world across multiple formats, including print, digital, mobile and live events. Dow Jones has produced unrivaled quality content for more than 130 years and today has one of the world’s largest news gathering operations globally. It […]

Creating Packer images using AWS System Manager Automation

If you run AWS EC2 instances in AWS, then you are probably familiar with the concept of pre-baking Amazon Machine Images (AMIs). That is, preloading all needed software and configuration on an EC2 instance, then creating an image of that. The resulting image can then be used to launch new instances with all software and […]

Enabling self-service provisioning of AWS resources with AWS Control Tower

Customers provision new accounts in AWS Control Tower whenever they are on-boarding new business units or setting up application workloads. In some cases, organizations also want their cloud users, developers, and data scientists to deploy self-service standardized and secure patterns and architectures with the new account. Here are a few examples: A developer or cloud […]

Using Amazon CloudWatch metric filters and alarms to monitor logs on SonicWall Firewall

In this guest post, Marcin Gornik – Director of IT at Tommy John Inc discusses how they used CloudWatch Metric Filters to monitor their SonicWall Firewall system to better secure their infrastructure. TommyJohn, a clothing design and manufacturer company, uses Amazon CloudWatch to monitor their SonicWall firewall devices. This blog discusses why CloudWatch was selected […]

How to take advantage of AWS Control Tower and CloudEndure to migrate workloads to AWS

June 22, 2021: This blog post describes CloudEndure Migration. AWS Application Migration Service, the next generation of CloudEndure Migration, is now the recommended service for lift-and-shift migrations to AWS. Most of the customers we work with want to migrate their existing workloads to an AWS environment. They prefer to follow documented AWS best practices, especially […]

Education site ApplyBoard monitors their mission-critical EKS environment using CloudWatch Container Insights

This guest blog post is contributed by Jayat Markan, a DevOps engineer at ApplyBoard. Jayat helps developer teams build and run a stable and highly available application platform. ApplyBoard’s online platform enables international students to apply to educational institutions across the United States and Canada. This blog post discusses how ApplyBoard set up monitoring on […]

Comcast adds CloudWatch metrics aggregation when monitoring Kinesis Video Streams

This post walks through how Comcast Corporation set up monitoring for Amazon Kinesis Video Streams. To support their business requirements and performance SLAs, they added additional aggregated metrics vended by the Kinesis Video Stream service into Amazon CloudWatch. Comcast Corporation is a global media and technology company that offers a home security solution called Xfinity […]