AWS Cloud Operations Blog
Category: AWS Chatbot
Managing access to AWS accounts from Microsoft Teams and Slack at scale using AWS Organizations and AWS Chatbot
Customers use chat collaboration applications like Microsoft Teams and Slack to collaborate and manage their AWS applications. AWS Chatbot is a ChatOps service that enables customers to monitor, troubleshoot issues, and manage AWS applications from chat channels. AWS Chatbot provides autonomy and customizability to DevOps teams operating their AWS environments on the go from chat […]
Ten features for efficiently managing your AWS applications from Microsoft Teams and Slack using AWS Chatbot
Ten features in AWS Chatbot to help you understand your application health and resolve issues faster from chat channels.
Streamline AWS Support with AWS Chatbot and Microsoft Teams
ChatOps is a collaborative approach to operations that integrates chat platforms with automation tools and processes. It’s a way to bring together people, tools, and processes in a single chat interface to facilitate communication, collaboration, and execution of tasks within a team or organization. It is critical for an Operations team to act quickly and […]
Enhance Kubernetes Operational Visibility with AWS Chatbot
Many customers run their mission critical container workloads on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). One of the key focus areas for them is to analyze and act on operational events quickly. Getting real-time visibility into performance issues, traffic spikes and infrastructure events can enable teams to quickly address issues and […]
Know Before You Go – AWS re:Invent 2023 | AWS Management Console
New this year, the AWS Customer Experience team has tips to help you enhance your re:Invent experience and learn about various improvements that make AWS even easier to use. Meet us at our kiosks in the AWS Village and be sure to check out the sessions below. Our sessions will cover best practices for managing […]
Reduce incident management response times for container workloads using AWS Chatbot
One of the key focus areas for customers running their mission-critical container workloads on AWS, is to be able to analyze and act on operational events quickly. Getting real-time visibility into performance issues, traffic spikes, infrastructure events and security threats can enable teams to quickly address issues and prevent potential downtime. AWS Chatbot helps teams […]
Manage AWS resources in your Slack channels with AWS Chatbot
**This post was written while the feature to manage AWS resources in Slack channels was in public preview. This feature is now generally available. The information contained within this post is still relevant and helpful.** DevOps and engineering teams are increasingly moving their operations, system management, and CI/CD workflows to chat applications to streamline activities […]
Monitor your Lambda function and get notified with AWS Chatbot
AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that helps you run code without provisioning or managing hardware. You can run AWS Lambda function to execute a code in response to triggers such as changes in data or system state. For example, you can use Amazon S3 to trigger AWS Lambda to process data immediately after […]
Monitor Amazon EventBridge events in your Slack channels with AWS Chatbot
DevOps teams use chat collaboration platforms such as Slack and Amazon Chime to monitor systems and respond to events. When AWS Chatbot is integrated with Slack and Chime, users can monitor and interact with AWS resources from the chat channels, which reduces context switching between applications. DevOps users now can receive notifications from more than […]
Explore four new features in AWS Chatbot
Discover 4 new features in AWS Chatbot to help you monitor and interact with AWS resources. You will learn about CloudWatch composite alarm notifications in chat channels, AWS CLI command output customization, AWS Chatbot channel configuration setup verification, and in-app feedback mechanism.