AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Management Tools

Selecting File Systems for AWS Mainframe Modernization

Mainframe applications often execute business-critical functions, which have to be resilient, scalable, and cost-efficient. This imperative applies to the multiple layers and components supporting the application, including files, datasets, and their supporting storage systems. When modernizing these applications and files with AWS, choosing the right file-system for the right application data profile is essential. In […]

How to use AWS Config and CloudTrail to find who made changes to a resource

AWS Config is a service that continuously tracks and evaluates the configuration changes of your AWS resources. It provides you with a Resource Timeline which helps you to investigate and audit how the resources and their relationships change over time. AWS Config records the configuration of supported resources in a JSON structure known as a […]

How Capgemini uses AWS Systems Manager Automation runbooks to generate reports for AWS Backup activity

Centralizing and automating data protection helps you support your business continuity and regulatory compliance goals. Backup compliance includes the ability to define and enforce backup policies to encrypt your backups, protect them from manual deletion, prevent changes to your backup lifecycle settings, and audit and report on backup activity from a centralized console. A common […]

Deciding between large accounts or micro accounts for distributed operations at AWS

When you’re starting your journey at AWS, you must define your AWS account strategy. There are many possible variations for how to organize the AWS accounts – by workload, team, specialization, business domain, functional domain, and many others. A common question from customers is: should I deploy multiple workloads into a single AWS account, or […]

Automate continuous compliance at scale in AWS

AWS Config continuously monitors and records your AWS resource configurations. You can use the service to automate the evaluation and remediation of recorded configurations against desired configurations. You also can review changes in configurations and relationships between AWS resources and dive into the history of a resource configuration. AWS Config conformance packs provide a general-purpose compliance […]

Use existing Logging and Security Account with AWS Control Tower

AWS Control Tower provides the easiest way for you to set up and govern your AWS environment, or landing zone, following prescriptive AWS best practices managed on your behalf. AWS Control Tower orchestrates multiple AWS services (AWS Organizations, AWS CloudFormation StackSets, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO), AWS Config, AWS CloudTrail) to build a landing zone […]

Bootstrapping multiple AWS accounts for AWS CDK using CloudFormation StackSets

The AWS CDK makes it easy to deploy an application to the AWS Cloud. But first you must “bootstrap” the target AWS account. You can bootstrap an AWS account by using the AWS CDK CLI and running cdk bootstrap. This is great for teams that have access to AWS accounts, or only need to bootstrap […]

Introducing new language extensions in AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation, an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) service that lets you model, provision, and manage AWS and third-party resources, recently released a new language transform that enhances the core CloudFormation language. For our first release, these enhancements are new intrinsic functions for JSON string conversion (Fn::ToJsonString), length (Fn::Length), and support for intrinsic functions and pseudo-parameter […]

Monitoring Data Ingestion Tasks with Amazon CloudWatch Metrics and Alarms

Data is produced every day in increasing volumes and varieties in on-premises and cloud environments. Data ingestion into AWS is a common task and there are many services and architecture patterns that customers use to bring in data. In this post, we provide a guide for establishing monitoring and alerting on a data ingestion workload […]

Integrating Kubecost with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

This blog post was co-written by Linh Lam, Solution Architect, Kubecost Customers can track their Kubernetes control plane and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) costs using AWS Cost and Usage Reports. However, they often need deeper insights to accurately track Kubernetes costs across namespaces, clusters, pods, and more. We recently announced that AWS and […]