AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Customer Solutions

Announcing Private VPC data source support for Amazon Managed Grafana

Today, we are announcing Amazon Managed Grafana support for connecting to data sources inside an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). Customers using Amazon Managed Grafana have been asking for support to connect to data sources that reside in an Amazon VPC and are not publicly accessible. Data in Amazon OpenSearch Service clusters, Amazon RDS instances, self-hosted […]

Maximizing resource tagging at scale and across teams for your migration to AWS

Many customers are migrating to AWS to leverage cost reduction, boost staff productivity, improve operational resilience, and increase business agility. When your business decides to migrate to AWS, there are many areas that need careful attention and planning. It’s important to consider these areas across technical, business, and delivery domains. A key area that is […]

Use AWS Control Tower to Simplify Governance in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

Customers often tell us about the challenges they face managing multi-account environments in AWS GovCloud regions. Many of these customers are using AWS Control Tower to simplify their account governance and they’ve asked us to extend the same benefits to AWS GovCloud regions. On October 19, 2022, we announced the general availability of AWS Control […]

Announcing evidence finder for AWS Audit Manager

Today, we’re excited to announce a new search feature that allows customers to perform targeted searches by multiple criteria, group the results and send the data to an assessment report. Customers can more easily find the evidence they need and, organize it without the need to add it to a report. Customers can then generate their […]

Simplifying Self Service with AWS Service Catalog Principal Name Sharing

Many of our customers use AWS Service Catalog for governance of their infrastructure as code (IaC) templates and self-service provisioning for a variety of use cases, from customizing multi-account environments to launching data science and development workloads. The self-service use case becomes very appealing when customer need to scale across an organization with tens to […]

Assess Your Mainframe Applications for Modernization Readiness

Mainframes host critical applications consisting of millions of lines of code (LOC) across hundreds of online transactions and batch processes, built over decades in various programming languages such as COBOL, PL/I, Natural, Assembler, Ideal, and others. Companies often don’t have visibility of their entire application portfolio, active and inactive components, baseline inventory that limits the […]

Improve the Visibility and Collaboration during Incident Handling in AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager

Today, AWS announces new capabilities: Incident Notes and extension of Incident Status Banner within AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager. Incident Manager enables faster resolution of incidents ensuring high application availability. These new capabilities in Incident Manager provide more visibility and collaboration features to our customers to quickly bring the right people together with the right […]

Automate the sending of AWS Audit Manager assessment reports

Implementing compliance at scale is not an easy endeavor for customers as they move their workloads to the AWS cloud. Due to the challenges that are posed by cloud environments such as the more ephemeral nature of resources or the dynamic landscape of the cloud, automation is paramount to success. At an enterprise scale the […]

Operationalizing CloudWatch Anomaly Detection

In this post, you’ll explore Amazon CloudWatch anomaly detection and set it up using the AWS Console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), and AWS CloudFormation. We also review some best practices when using CloudWatch anomaly detection. CloudWatch alarms allow you to watch CloudWatch metrics and receive notifications when the metrics fall outside of […]

Enhancing DevOps Practices with Amazon CloudWatch Application Performance Monitoring

Organizations seeking to deliver meaningful technology services at a higher velocity to their customers have incorporated application performance monitoring (APM) into their DevOps operating models. Software development and IT operations teams that have traditionally worked in their own silos now strive to work in concert to increase organizational agility. The transformation path is unique for […]